Friday, February 14, 2014

So Much To Love

So, it wasn't the Valentine's Day that we had planned.  But it turned out to be pretty perfect anyway.

The day started off properly. The kids came bounding down the stairs and were suitably surprised by the Valentine's Day decorations I had put up while they were sleeping and were out of their minds excited about the silly little Valentine's I gave them.  They were equally excited to hand out their Valentine's that they made for us, wonderful handmade cards, a bracelet, and a ring. Very thoughtful gifts that they were all very proud of. I must admit it was a great start to the day.

The rest of the morning was a rush and a flurry of getting all the needed items for a day of fun Valentine's Day parties at school.  Each child needed his/her Valentine's to pass out, a snack to pass, of course their homework, snow pants/boots/mittens/hats, lunch bags, and special boxes and bags to receive their Valentine's Day treats in.

Grace did not have school today but since her class was having a Valentine's Day party I brought her in so she could celebrate with them (in 4K you have the choice to attend 3 days a week or 5 days a week- Grace is 3 days a week). Gracie got all gussied up in her red and pink best and off she went to her party.

While Gracie was happily partying away I was busy in the school office helping out with the biggest school fundraiser of the year.  What I thought would be just an hour or so soon turned into over three hours (almost two of those hours grace was with me waiting patiently- and eating her candy).

Luckily, I got to see my boys here and there as they would pass by the office. They were so excited to see me and enthusiastically thank me for the little surprise note and piece of candy I put in their lunches. I tell ya, seeing how much those little things mean to my kids really makes me the happiest momma in the world.

Finally, Grace and I were released from the office and went home for a very late lunch.  Gracie quickly went down for a nap and then I got back to work. I called the very fancy restaurant that Todd and I were to visit later this evening and cancelled our reservation. We had suddenly found ourselves without a babysitter so we called off our romantic night and tried to think of other plans.

I worked on the school fundraiser for the rest of the afternoon until the boys came home from school. The boys were bursting to tell me about their parties. Tommy got a sweet card from a girl he likes. Joey won the box decorating contest. Ben wants to put on his new tattoo! Somehow I got them to calm down long enough to sit down and get to work. Homework was quickly completed and then the boys threw their winter clothes on and headed outside to get some fresh, but very cold, air. I was happy they wanted to play outside for such a long time since they were all hopped up on sugar and out of their minds hyper.

As the sky got dark I called the boys back inside to warm up and change into dry clothes. We were taking them out to dinner to their favorite Mexican restaurant. Cheers all around.

Our romantic dinner for two had turned into a family dinner for six. There was root beer and kiddie cocktails, chips and tacos, stories, jokes, and laughs. It was a happy dinner. A happy day.

Now I sit in my chair in front of the fire, my belly still full, and listen to the silence that can only occur when the children are all sleeping. And I can't help but think back to a time when Valentine's Day used to be so different. Sure, there may have been fancy dinners, dressier clothes, and late nights out. But now. Now Valentine's Day feels more like Thanksgiving. Reminding me of exactly what I am so thankful for. And I have much to be thankful for. There is so much love in my life.

It was a good day.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I think you all had a wonderful Valentine Day! There will be many years of romantic just the two of you dinners, but as you know, the years of the family time united and together like this will slowly slip away in the years ahead. It is a gift to have these days and times like you did today and to realize it was a gift rather than be miserable wishing you had the other romantic dinner with just the two of you.

    That must be some fundraiser! Good luck with it!


  2. Betty- It makes me teary to know that one day (soon) the kids will shutter when they think of spending Valentine's Day with mom and dad. I'll take it now when I can get it. :)

    Yes! It IS quite the fundraiser. It is our huge annual gala type event. And I am only doing the raffle tickets right now. It wasn't even supposed to be that big of a job, but boy, is it! Busy, busy, busy.

  3. You children have been raised so well. They are appreciative of all the things that are important. How did you do that in this jaded world?

  4. Hey Kat :) we celebrated Valentines with a picnic in our back yard by the pool...we didn't sit on the patio chairs and use the table for the foods ... we sat on a blanket and ate and talked and laughed... Bradley loved it ...the big kids commented that it had been fun for them too...and as i lay watching clouds...i felt truly content and my heart was grateful and so full :) it was one of the best Valentines ever... glad your was too :) stay strong C

  5. Tabor- Ya know what? I DON'T KNOW how we got so lucky with these kids. Honestly. They get so excited when I bring home new underwear for them. It is bizarre. I mean we've tried not to go overboard with too many presents on birthdays (they don't get big parties except for maybe their 10th birthday) and Christmases. They are just grateful kids. We are so lucky.

  6. Charmaine- A Valentine's Day picnic by the pool sounds absolutely heavenly!

  7. What a special day you had! Valentines has always been my favorite holiday, ever since I was little. I still make special treat bags for my adult kids! I even made strawberry bread and chocolate chip cookies and sent them in a box with other goodies to my son.

    My husband has the wicked sore throat thing going around, but he is a trooper and didn't want to disappoint me on VD, so we still went out to a wine bar. We had their Valentine red flight, a warm olive tray, flatbread pizza and artichoke dip. Had a great time together as always......I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading about your kids and your husband. So many people complain about their spouses, but I think you and I both found gems!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bijoux- Awwwww!!! I just love your comment. It made me all warm inside. I LOVE that you still treats for your adult kiddos and sent special treats to your college kid. I bet they appreciate that more than you know, and will probably get to appreciate it even more as they get older. What a sweet momma you are.

    And how nice of your hubby to muscle through and take you out even though he wasn't feeling good. Sounds like you had a fabulous time! It sounds perfect!

    And yes. I think we both have good ones. :)

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to you Kat! I like Joey's box that he made, very cute. It sounds like a good day, even though it didn't go as planned. You have such a sweet family, and I love reading about your days.

  11. Sounds like one for the books--glad it was a fun day for everyone!

  12. Sometimes our plans just change for the better, right? Hopefully, you guys can head out for a romantic dinner soon just the two of you!

  13. Sounds pretty perfect to me! Tim grilled yummy steaks for us - he made dinner on a Friday night so that was good enough for me!

    Love that you all had a sweet day together. :)

  14. Sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day! We spent ours with my parents and one kid...and it was great!

  15. So beautiful Kat. I know exactly what you mean about it seeming like Thanksgiving.

  16. So beautiful Kat. I know exactly what you mean about it seeming like Thanksgiving.
