Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Wonderful

Summer is quickly approaching it's end.  In an effort to make the most of it the last few days have been jam packed with activities.  

On Grace's birthday the weather cooperated just enough to visit one of the kids' favorite places, Bookworm Gardens.  And this time Todd was able to join us.  It was a special treat.  
Joey wasn't in a "take my picture" kind of a mood but I snuck a few shots of him anyway. This picture he actually allowed me to take.  Joe was pretending he was pulling the wagon and Ben was the horse, in case you couldn't tell.

On Friday we drove up to Green Bay for the day.  Todd had to check out the new Cabelas (and of course the kids loved looking around too) and then we stopped off at Lambeau Field to check out a sportsmen show.  The kids are always thrilled at any opportunity to stop at the stadium so that was a bonus.

After that we checked BAY BEACH off of our "to do" list.  We have always meant to take the kids there but have never gone.  And, it was also a first for Todd and myself as well.  That is really unheard of in these parts as Bay Beach is legendary.  For those of you not in the know Bay Beach is an amusement park that has been around since long before my day.  In all that time it has maintained the same price of 25 cents to 50 cents for the rides.  We were so unaccustomed to such amazing prices that we really overbought on tickets.  We figured a family of six might need about $40 in tickets and that more than covered it.  They had swings, bumper cars, a scrambler, pony rides, a huge slide, a train, kiddie rides, a carosel, a tilt a whirl, you name it! They even a really nice size roller coaster! We rode every ride at least once and we went on the roller coaster five times in a row.  It was the boys' first time (Grace was just a bit too short for the roller coaster this year) on a roller coaster and they are still talking about it.  It was an awesome day!
After our fabulous time at Bay Beach we took the kids to dinner at our new favorite restaurant Kaleidoscope. The kids were literally crying with hunger and exhaustion by the time we got to the restaurant. Thankfully, a few kiddie cocktails, some amazing appetizers, and a delicious meal was enough to perk them up.  

Overall, I think it was one of the best days we've had all summer.

On Saturday Todd and I attended his cousin's wedding.  It took place on a big farm with a beautiful barn. The setting was absolutely gorgeous and so appropriate. You see, Todd's grandma and grandpa owned a huge farm. Todd's mother grew up on the farm with her 13 brothers and sisters and the cousins now operate some of the largest dairy farms in Calumet County. So a farm wedding. Charming. And very appropriate.
 The view inside the barn.

Shabby chic decor.  Mason jars, flags, and flowers. Each guest even got a mason jar mug for drinks and to take home.  Love that.
 Hubby and I in the barn.
(please notice my shoes)

This is Todd's grandma and grandpa's couch.  The bride insisted it be dragged out of her mother's basement and brought to the wedding so she could get pictures taken on it.  I think it was a genius idea. This couch is far older than I and I am told by the aunts and uncles that there were many "good times" on this couch down in grandma's basement.  I didn't ask for details.

There were animals wandering around (a farm, people) and this peacock decided to get in on this picture with us. How perfect is that?

I turned out to be a kind of unofficial photographer that night and I can't tell you how many aunts, uncles, and cousins wanted pictures on this couch.  I was happy to oblige but I made them take a couple of Todd and I as well.
 The beautiful bride and groom.
 A barn dance! AKA- the reception.

It was a gorgeous wedding and I had an absolute blast.  Todd's family is just so much fun and the bride and groom are so perfect together.  It was lovely.

Remember when I pointed out my shoes in the above picture?  I LOVE those shoes.  However, I found out that they are not the best shoes to wear for 12 hours in a row when there is lots of walking and dancing.  Toward the end of the night I was joking with people that my feet were bloody little stumps (and I am told that the bride even put a note in the invite not to wear high heels- again, the wedding is on a FARM- but I missed that note and I probably would have worn them anyway).  Indeed, the next day my feet really were bloody little stumps.  I had approximately 6 bandages on my toes just to make it to church.  *sigh*  The things we do for fashion.  FYI- I'd do it again too.  

There really was no time to rest my aching feet (which are still sore, swollen, and bloody today, by the way) as we had to head out to our nephew's (and Todd's godson) high school graduation party.  It was the perfect day for it. Beautiful sunny weather, lots of games, great food, and awesome people. 
It was a weekend full of wonderful, I tell you. I loved every minute of it.

I think I'm getting payback for it today, however.  The kids have been crazy out of control.  But, oh well. Weekends like these don't come around often and they serve as good reminders of how quickly time really does fly by.

The weather is finally supposed to be hot enough to go swimming this week so hopefully we can make it to the lake to make some more wonderful memories before our summer ends. Never can have enough wonderful summer memories.


  1. Yes, go out there and get a few more great summer memories in before it's over! Your weekend sounds wonderful. I love the picture of you and Todd- very cute.

  2. I really enjoyed these photos! Bookworm Gardens looks like the Storybook Forest we took our kids to numerous times in Pennsylvania. And we also have a similar old time ticket park here called Memphis Kiddie Park. Places like that are few and far between!

    You and your husband are such a sweet couple. I love the couch photos. And the mason jar flowers are beautiful.

  3. Such a sweet family weekend! Times like those are the ones you look back on when you're older. They don't come around often enough. Hope you enjoy all of the summer you have left!

  4. Sounds like an awesome weekend. Hopefully you are able to enjoy the rest of Summer as much as your weekend! :)

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend. Hopefully you are able to enjoy the rest of Summer as much as your weekend! :)

  6. What a jam packed weekend. It looks like a lot of fun. I love how causal that wedding was and the fact that the peacock photo bombed you. :)

  7. Hey Kat :) enjoyed your post :) all the best for the rest of your Summer Stay Strong C

  8. And it appears a good time was had by all! Love the couch idea. Shoes, been there and done that, and am now too old to even think about it.

  9. Every bit of it, except the painful feet, was perfection. Your family seems to have the BEST fun together.

  10. Fun! Summer is already over for us (well, at least the vacation part, the weather usually sticks around until Thanksgiving or so) so I am jealous ya'll are still getting in some summer fun!
    And I totally noticed your shoes as well as the rest of the outfit. You looked GORGEOUS!!!!

  11. Your summer fun continues! We are heading to Bookworm Gardens tomorrow so we can check one last thing off our summer list before school starts. Was going to ask you for any recommendations on a fun park/good beach if we have extra time or if the kiddos get too hot. What a great weekend you had, with a nice mix of family fun and celebration fun. Love the barn SIL got married at her grandparents farm/barn last year and it was such a great wedding. Fun to see your pics (and loved your shoes!) Enjoy these last days of summer!

  12. A few years back, I would have suffered in those sexy red heels, too, but the ol' girl can't take it anymore. :)

    You and your husband, and kids, too, are an attractive family. And the best part is how your personalities and the time you spend doing thing together, make up so much of it.

  13. You are gorgeous, those shoes are amazing {and so worth the pain! Ha ha!} and it looks like you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  14. What an awesome weekend and pre-school time.

    And that couch is amazing. I wouldn't have asked for any elaboration on the good time, either.

    And your shoes, wow!

  15. I cannot get over that photo of you and Todd by the couch! SO awesome! What a fun-filled, awesome weekend... That wedding looks so fun and amazing!

  16. How fun! Love the picture of you and Todd by the cough, and those shoes are AMAZING!

  17. Seriously awesome pics of you two love-birds....and really - a peacock in your picture?!! SO cool!!
