Monday, February 6, 2012


The thing about a good book is that even after it comes to it's neat and tidy conclusion you go to bed wondering what the characters are up to.  You find yourself thinking about them like long lost friends.  "I wonder how Sadie is doing with her new boss now."  you think as you fall asleep at night. 

It had been so long since I picked up a book, I'm embarrassed to even say how long, but reading Whipped, Not Beaten reminded me just how much I really loved reading.  I went to bed thinking about the characters.  I was sad when the I closed the book for the last time.  It awakened a part of me that I had forgotten about. 

Because of that book I have finally read Pride and Prejudice.  A book I have always wanted to read and finally took the time to finish.  Reading olde English is always very hard on me (if this doesn't make sense to you, please read this.).  I end up reading every paragraph two and three times to catch the meanings.  But I did it.  And I enjoyed it. 

After that I read Water for Elephants.  I was enthralled.  As soon as I put that book down I picked up The Time Travelers Wife.  I finished that one as well. Then I went on to The Help.  Such an amazing book. Two weeks have gone by and I am already on my sixth book.  This time it's Dear John.  I haven't read six books in the last three years, much less in the last two weeks.

So, I want to thank Melissa for not only entertaining me with Whipped, Not Beaten, but also for getting me back to something that I love and didn't even realize I'd been missing. 

I know you have all waited far too long for me to announce the winner of your very own copy of Whipped, Not Beaten.  Without further ado, the winner is.... 

Mom24 at 4EverMom!!!!! 

Woohoo!!!  Congratulations!  I love reading her blog and she is such a great mama she deserves to escape a little into a good book!  Thanks for playing along everyone!


  1. Thanks Kat. I am very excited. :)

  2. Have you read the Memory Keepers Daughter? That is a good one too. Now I'm reading the Hunger Games and can't wait to finish it.

  3. Aw, I'm glad you liked it, Kat.

  4. I also got away from reading for such a long time but then have picked it back up again here and there. The Help really was good, wasn't it?

  5. you're the mother of 4 active young kids so the lack of reading for so long is understandable. so glad you've found your way back to books though. its such a good feeling.

  6. sigh. I love to read, but don't have much time for it right now. You're making me want to go look up a copy of that book!! I miss that time. I'll save it for my 70's!! LOL!
