Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It Happens Every Year

Madness.  It happens every year. 

The week before Todd leaves for deer hunting is always filled with errands and cooking and baking and laundry and preparations.  This year it was also filled with parent/teacher conferences, hosting boy scout meetings, swim classes, choir practices, and three sick kids. 

Then, of course, there is the madness that happens after Todd leaves.  The sullen boys who wanted to go hunting too, the nonstop action of single parenting, the schedules, the inevitable sick children. Same thing every year. 

But this year was a little different.  I don't know if I am finally getting better at it, or if I have learned to accept the madness, but this year it wasn't as bad as past years.  Remember this?  That didn't happen. 

This year, as every year, when Todd left I tried to do as much as I could to keep the kids occupied and happy.  New pajamas were purchased for all.  Big blanket nests were made.  Many fires in the fireplace were enjoyed.  We played outside.  We played inside. We rented movies we hadn't yet seen. We even went to the movie theater to see Happy Feet 2.  All four of my kiddos lined up in a row, munching popcorn, entranced by the fuzzy little penguins.  It was actually fun.  And surreal.  Four littles ones.  All mine. 

Yes, there were temper tantrums this week, theirs and mine, but far fewer than in past years.  There were difficult schedules to keep but we managed to get it all done.  We were even able to continue our tradition and volunteered to deliver Thanksgiving food boxes to families in need.  And of course there were sleepless nights with nonstop coughing from my poor little sickies.  But, in the end, this week has gone smoothly.  For the first time I have come to the end of this deer hunting week with a big sense of accomplishment.  We all made it through and looking back we had a good week.   

Tonight is our last night without Todd.  I know we are all anxious to have him back.  Our family just isn't complete without him.  But I am grateful for the week that we've had.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some blanket nests to make. 


  1. Yay!!! Good for you. That's really awesome. It's so wonderful when it starts to get easier, for whatever reason, isn't it?

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. I feel that way with my hubby's 9 day fishing trip he takes.

  3. I love Gracie's little nest.

    Congrats on surviving the weekend!

  4. Your family is so beautiful, Kat. I love this photo of Four Kidlets & a Dog. :)

  5. Heck ya to a good week!! Maybe with everyone being just a little more independent and finally using good listening ears these times without hubby will be a little easier. Happy Thansgiving to the whole Seeking Sanity house.

  6. I know...when Matt is gone or working late, I always find myself having to remember that there are thousands of single parents out there that do this daily. But, it is good to know that I am not the only one who has the occasional whiny kid or that there are other mothers that have their moments, too! We are not alone. Glad the week went well. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

    PS I love the leaf background especially with the header picture.....it really highlights the sunset! Also, I saw your comment about the leaf piles on my blog. I thought about trying to get leaf pics like you have, but the kids weren't into getting IN the leaves all covered up! LOL

  7. Kids become more fun and less stressful as they get older. I'm glad it's calming down for your tribe.

  8. Green Girl- I don't think we are there yet. It is still complete madness. The energy level is off the charts. I REALLY look forward to the day when it is a little less stressful and more calm. BUT, the week was still manageable and we all got along fairly well. :)

  9. This was SO good to read. You have been through a whole lot and I'm glad you are able to feel more confident in your parenting. Because you are a wonderful loving mama!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all. xoxo

  10. PRECIOUS photo, Kat! I'm glad he's coming home! I remember those days when Jim traveled for work and I had the kids all by myself. Not easy!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you~


  11. I love the blanket nests--that's exactly what they look like! We might have to try that next time we cuddle up to watch a Christmas movie. Glad you survived the week! I know you'll be very thankful when he's home safe and sound!

  12. glad it's getting easier. and psst...when they are old enough to go with him you'll have all that peace and quiet....it's quite nice, from one who knows ;)

  13. You are my HERO! I have a hard time juggling TWO when I'm on my own, so I don't know how it would be with four! Although I'm sure I would still make it work. ;-) Cute pics!!! Sorry I haven't been around to visit your site in a while!! Took sort of a computer-hiatus!

  14. They are so cute! Glad you all had a better week this time around, it does seem to get a little easier in some ways as they get older doesn't it... then again in some ways it seems harder to me with my four, so maybe it all just balances out in the end, haha! Maybe we just get better at coping as the years go by... that must be it. :) I love those moments, like you had in the movie theater, when you look over at all four sitting together and think fondly about how they are all really yours! Beautiful.

  15. So glad the week went (what seems to be) so well for you all!

    Love the little nests!

  16. awesome waY TO GO MOM! I used to make blanket nests too! the kids love that. Molly is a beautiful dog. Where's her blankets? tee hee and where's mine? I wanta blanket nest!

  17. Karen- Molly was snuggled on the blankets with the kids but she got too warm. Not only are they all in blanket but they are right in front of the fireplace too. ;)
