Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Capture- Spring

The Good News:  Everyone is feeling well and healthy again.

The Bad News:  This is what my You Capture picture looks like for Spring. 
Yesterday we received a little surprise in the way of 2 inches of SNOW.  Snow.  On April 19th.  I was so excited that Easter was going to be late this year because CERTAINLY Grace should be able to wear a pretty little dress this year.  Looks like, maybe not. 

My birthday is on Friday.  Is it too much to wish for normal weather?  I'm not asking for 70s and 80s.  Just our typical upper 50s would be appreciated.  You know?  Spring?  I'd like a little bit of that. 

How is your spring?



  1. Ugh! Poor Kat! Hope this weekend brings real spring.

    Ours is way too wet. Lots and lots of rain, last night tornado warnings. I'm afraid we're going to go right to summer and lose spring this year.

  2. 10 inches between GB and Appleton. Yuk. Spring needs to come to WI and stay as soon as possible.

  3. Oh goodness girl. Yes, please come on down to LA and hang out with us - ha!

    Well, actually we'll be in TX for Easter (yay!) so if I don't get the chance (due to traveling, etc.) HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday!!! I hope it's a good birthday/Easter weekend and that the snow melts away.


  4. The only thing that makes me less angry is seeing the robins--Lord love them, they look more miserable than me.

  5. Our weather has been crazy here too. Cold, warm, rainy, snowy. Summer WILL come.. by August at the latest. ;)

    I'll wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY now because my computer time will be unpredictable come Friday. Enjoy your day, Kat. :)

  6. Snow in April is stupid. Stupid, I say! STUPID!

    Hope it melts fast so you can have at least average weather for your birthday!

  7. Historygirlie- 10 inches up there????? ACK!!!! I won't complain anymore. ;)

  8. Ha! This looks about like my You Capture for the week! Except we got more than 2 inches. :/

  9. Oh no! That isnt very "Spring" like! Hope you get better weather soon!!!

  10. Sending warm wishes your way! I hope it warms up soon!

  11. Well, it's still very pretty! I had no idea that snow could still happen in mid April until I started blogging. I hope you get somewhat warm weather by this weekend!

  12. Yeah, won't complain Spring is here and we are loving being back in the Midwest with grass and flowers...hopefully the weather will improve for the weekend! Oh and Happy Birthday early! Mine is today somehow I am turning 29 for the four year in a row...imagine that!

  13. I'm pretty sure you don't REALLY want me to tell you what our weather is like here. But I would gladly send some your way if I could!

  14. I was totally thinking the same thing about Easter being so late that maybe the girls wouldn't freeze in their Easter dresses. I hope it warms up by Sunday :)

  15. Happy early birthday! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a little bit of spring to celebrate your day :D

  16. Happy Early Birthday! I hope you get nice spring weather and lots of cake to make it a terrific day.

    I remember many Easters growing up where I couldn't wear my new Easter dress because it was too summery and the weather was too wintery.

  17. what is this spring of which you speak? it is eternal winter. blah.

  18. This winter is like a cockroach that will not die.

  19. Happy Birthday Kat! I hope that today is much warmer. There is NOT supposed to be snow in April!

  20. Here in New Mexico it's in the 80's and has been for awhile. I'm not looking forward to moving back to Wisconsin this winter.

  21. Ewww, snow??! STILL??? I feel for you. Really, I do. Ugh.

  22. So hoping you are enjoying your birthday with wonderful weather, children who are healthy and some well deserved Chocolate! Here's to Spring for your Spring Birthday!!

  23. I'm sorry, no comment. You must be awfully close to the north pole.
