Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just Thursday

Outside my window... it is sunny and bright and some of the "lovely" 4 inches of snow we received yesterday is melting.

Today I feel... SORE.  Sore from the extra long runs I've been taking every other day (6 miles).  Sore from shoveling and snowblowing my neighbor's driveway and then my driveway yesterday.  Sore from lack of sleep.  Sore.

I am thinking... I should shower and eat some lunch before Joey gets home from school and the rest of the kids wake up from their naps.

I am thankful... for a full nights rest last night.  And that Russell was voted off of Survivor last night!  HAHA! 

Tomorrow I am going... to try and take it easy.  It has been a rough week.

I am wearing... my running clothes.  I just got off the treadmill.

I wish... we had summer all year round.

This weekend I... would love to be able to run outside for once.  The treadmill is getting very boring.

I need to start... putting all my pictures in my albums. I'm way behind.

I am reading... a lot about giant squid.  I'm helping Joey with a report he is doing for school.  :)

I am working on... being a more joyful person.  But also not being so hard on myself.

I hear... Gracie crying.  Oh great.  There goes my food and shower.  Pooh.

Yesterday I... felt like death all day.  I was going on about 3 hours of sleep in a 48 hour period, and I did way too much on top of it all. 

I am hoping... Tommy has fully recovered from his nasty virus and no one else gets it.

I bet you didn't know... I am almost to my goal weight!!!  Woot woot!  I never thought I would be here again.  My running is going better than ever, and I still eat what I want.  It is crazy.  Running is the BEST.  To think that just a few years ago I loathed running and now I love it.  Nuts. 

Something I'm looking forward to is... Summer!  No schedule!  Fresh fruit!  The smell of the grass.  Planting flowers and veggies.  Swimming.  Trips to the park.  Picnics.  Bonfires.  Riding bikes.  Warm weather.  Sundresses.  Long walks.  Trips up north.  Camping.  Ahhhhh.  I can't wait!


  1. Why is it so easy for us to beat ourselves up? You would never let me talk to me, the way you probably talk to yourself. Why do we do that???

    Sorry for the rough week. You have had a doozy! Hope this weekend is restorative.

    Congrats on your goal weight, You are amazing!

  2. Yeah for running!!! I am so glad that it is easier to run outside now because the snow is finally melting!!! And bye-bye glad he is off...tired of his antics!! I am also looking forward to summer and all of the camping trips we have planned. :)

  3. This makes me wish we could run together. I used to hate it too and now it has saved me. Both my sanity and from staying "porky" - ha! I love it too!

    Now get some rest! :)

  4. hi, i bloghopped from a friend's and find that you have interesting reads here. i love the snow you guys have cos here in singapore, it doesn't exist! lol.

    anyway, take care of the sore :)

  5. A big congrats and woot woot back.

  6. I was noticing yesterday how close you are to your goal--well done! And I hear you about needing summer. NEED it too!

  7. I am SOOO eager for spring and summer and to be done with with this crappy, depressing winter weather!!

  8. I think my favorite thing about summer is the "no schedule" part. We can fill our time up with places we WANT to go. Or not. :)

    Hope everyone in your house stays well and you can catch up on your sleep.

  9. I'm looking forward to summer too! Way to go on the running! I'm just getting started again. I'm impressed with your six mile runs! I'm glad to know that Tommy is feeling better.

  10. I need to learn to like running. Anything that helped you that you can share?

  11. I think I could like running if I could get past the fact I dislike it :) Yes bring on SUMMER :)

  12. Lisa- I have a "Running" label on my sidebar and in it I talk about how I started running and how long it took for me to love it. It is definitely a process. Check it out! :)
