Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm Tired Just Thinking About It

This week is a busy one.  And next week doesn't look that much better.

I can already check yesterday's activities off my list as done.  Vet appointment.  Check.  Cleaning.  Check.  Pick kids up at school at 11 and 11:45.  Check.  Make lunch.  Check.  Go for a run.  Check.  Homework with Joey. Check.  Parent/Teacher Conferences at school.  Check.  Dinner.  Check.  Showers. Check.  Bedtime.  CHECK.   Whew! 

Now I just have to deal with the rest of this week. 

It is that time of year again and Todd will soon be headed up north for a week to go deer hunting.  Because his dad will not be going this year the responsibility of feeding the whole camp goes to me. So, I have to prepare meals and deserts and such for the camp to eat.  That alone makes me busy.  Today I am making a massive batch of applesauce, a few dozen cookies of different varieties, and a very hardy soup.  I also have three loads of laundry to do so somewhere in there.  Oh.  And I have to remember to feed the kids. 

On Friday Grace has a doctor's appointment that I have to drag all the boys along to because they are getting their flu shots.  And I have to pick up and distribute one of the fundraisers from school. 

On Saturday I signed the kids and I up to deliver Thanksgiving food boxes to families in need.  I thought it would be a great experience for all of us and I've always wanted to do it.  However, I am starting to worry a bit about the logistics of it all.  You know, carrying heavy box up to a house while also trying to get all the kids out of their carseats and carrying Grace too.  Hmm.  We'll see how it goes. 

Sunday is church.  Church with four kids by myself.  That should be interesting. 

Getting the kids to school on time should be interesting as well seeing how Grace likes to sleep until 9:30 or 10 in the morning.  I'll have to wake her up at 7 in order to get everyone out the door on time.  That should be fun. 

Todd should be home on Wednesday.  He'd better be because we are going to have to book it to the grocery store to get everything we need to host Thanksgiving at our house on Thursday.  And then again on Saturday.  Yipes. 

I hope I can get at least one or two runs in there somewhere too because on Thanksgiving morning I am supposed to run a 10K race.  That is not a joke.  I am running a 10K race and then hosting Thanksgiving.  HA!  Just writing that down makes me sound a little crazy.  Ah well.

So.  Yeah.  Busy week.  What was that I was saying about Thanksgiving being a nice, calm, peaceful holiday?  ;)


  1. Maybe you can have a calm peaceful holiday after the holiday eating the leftovers which is the best part anyway. do you have a little red wagon or a cart?

    It is a huge blessing to be strong and young and full of energy! You rock!!!

  2. Wow! You are going to be one busy girl. I hope you have some chocolate on hand to help you through it! :)

  3. Oh girl, you are BUSY! (oh great news flash, Elaine!) HA HA HA!

    I hope you get those runs in since I know it helps me relax to exercise.

    But I just did a 10K and I'm in awe of you doing one on Thanksgiving morning - woah! Good luck! I mean it kinda sounds like you're running a 10K BEFORE your actual 10K - ;)

  4. Wow just reading all that makes my blood pressure rise! You will get through it though. I bought my turkey today (12 lbs) so excited.

  5. You sure do pack your days full. Don't forget to take some Kat time.

  6. Sounds fun! Now all you need is to invite company to come stay with you during that busy time :-)
    YOU. ARE. RUNNING. ON.T-DAY??? Are you a masochist? ;-)

  7. Oh man! Now I'm tired! He owes you big time! Huge. Like impossible-to-make-it-up-to-you but he better try anyway. Four kids the week before Thanksgiving, alone, plus you're doing all the cooking for them as well??? Jeri might be one to something...
    The turkey day run? I don't have words.

    Hope you enjoy it all.

  8. Oh my goodness!! I just had to giggle. I have so been there!! Good luck with it all. I look forward to hearing all about it when it is all over. :)

  9. I'm tired just thinking about it, too! You are one brave woman! (Good luck with everything :)

  10. Wow. I'm tired, too!

    And, I say, make the hunting men fend for themselves!

  11. You need permission to hire a sitter for a pair of extra hands while Todd is gone, to call pizza delivery, and to take a "bye" on volunteering until your tribe is older. Permission granted.

  12. Hang in there! That does sound like a busy week!

  13. Whoa!! Now that is a busy week! Deep breath. I will keep you in my prayers that everything goes smoothly and it is one of the most enjoyable weeks yet! Good luck!

  14. I'm exhausted for you. What a jam-packed week. And it tops off by running a 10K AND cooking Thanksgiving dinner ON THE SAME DAY? Yipes!

  15. Good Golly!!! That is crazy! You better book yourself a little post holiday massage or something :)
