Thursday, September 2, 2010



Mornings have changed around here this past week. It used to be we would get up whenever we felt like it, ate breakfast whenever we got hungry, and got dressed when we finally decided to venture outside.

Now that school has started we actually have a routine again.

Morning begins around 6:45 a.m. with a cup of coffee. At approximately 7:00 the boys venture downstairs and eat breakfast almost immediately.
They pose for silly "First Day of School" pictures.
And head off to school with mom and dad following closely behind.
Repeat on the second "First Day of School".
Only this time it wasn't raining.
Soon, once the boys have established themselves in the classroom routine, we will drop them off in front of school, wave goodbye, and eagle eye them until they are safely inside the school. But for now, we walk them in, embarrass them with too many pictures sitting at their desk, and at their coat rack, and with their friends. And though they act slightly annoyed I know they secretly love this new morning routine.


  1. What a sweet new routine :) Although getting up that early, Im sure would take some getting used to!

  2. Cheri- Honestly, part of me is in mourning too. This morning as Todd and I were leaving the school I could barely squeak out a sentence for fear I'd start blubbering. It just goes too fast.

  3. Aww, I'm sure I'll be a mess when our daughter starts school...thankfully I still have a few years to get my act in gear :)
    Love the last shot. So sweet!

  4. Oh great pics! I hope they are having a great first week of school!

  5. I have only one thing to say. How did Ben get so big??? Woah.

  6. Love your pics, I think I'll have a tough time when mine go to school, time has already flown so fast! Your family is adorable :)

  7. These are such great pictures of your boys. I'm glad they're loving the new routine. I love the relaxed pace of summer, but I'm always ready to get back into a routine by fall.

  8. Love the coffee cup - don't love the time you have to rise! Yuck! I have my daughter enrolled in a 9am preschool and I thought THAT was early! LOL. We're lazy like that....

    Look at those pics walking to school - just perfect - morning rain/dew....kind of brings you back to your own childhood, huh?

  9. Love it - and so jealous! Happy first week of school!!!

  10. It's nice to get back into a routine. Love the pictures!

  11. we're back to a routine too--and I'm surprised at how little stress and work is involved getting my tribe out the door.

  12. Happy first day of school! My kids started almost a month early down here. ;)

  13. Oh, I LOVE the saying on your cup!!

    BTW, I also like your logo shot!

  14. so sweet.

    i love holding hand pictures

  15. what wonderful new routine.. home schooling we get to get up anytime we feel like and do school work when we feel like and go outside afterwards...

  16. they love being loved too. all that attention makes them feel special. even if they potest they love it. I love that coffee cup where can I buy one? talk about a perfect gift!!!

  17. Why do I feel like I'm the only mom on the plant that is still on summer break...guess because I am. I'm looking forward to the early mornings and routeen...and quite house! :)

  18. btw...just cause I'm a little bit weird about safty...crop that last pic a bit so the crazys can't read the name of your kids school. :)
    Have a great weekend.

  19. Karen- My mom got me that coffee mug as a gift. Isn't it cute? Unfortunately, I think she got it from a specialty gift shop on one of her trips and I don't know the name of it. Sorry!

    Michelle- I thought of that too but that actually isn't the name of my kids' school (though I've mentioned the name of it in a previous post). Still I cropped it anyway to make you feel better and cuz I wanted a closer view of Todd and Ben. ;) Thanks!

  20. Your boys are so cute.
    I still make my kids take first day pics, even my senior. I think they love it, even though they roll their eyes. :)

  21. They're too sweet!I hope they have a great week this week!!

  22. and so the school year begins...

    and as i am catching up here. how sweet that the big brothers were so encouraging to the little brother and that the little one still wanted his hug.

    love the new swingset and the rear view too. :)

  23. School is killing my lazy mornings. It makes the week fly by so fast now too.

  24. Aw, the cuties!
    My oldest was SO happy to start back to school - and I was SO happy to get back into the school routine.

  25. Love the first day of school photos. Hope everyone is settling nicely into your new routine. Including you!

    Here's to a wonderful school year with your big kids! :)

  26. Cute pictures! 3 in school some mornings, huh? Girl time :)
