Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WW- Mmm, Cake!


  1. Love that she's eating hers on her first birthday! Yum.

  2. YUMMY cake.. Its sweet that she didnt get that dirty as it looks like some kids with it in there hair and such.. I hope you all had fun though.. The life of having kids..

  3. HA HA HA! I love the last picture - so yummily messy! Looks like you got your shots on her b-day and not 4 1/2 months late like me! LOL! :-) What a gorgeous baby. ;-)

  4. Now that is a girl after my own heart! Two hands, whole piece of cake, and then a dainty bite. Too cute!

  5. These pictures wordlessly speak volumes! Precious.

  6. Looks like she loved her cake! What a beautiful cake it was too!

  7. Don't you just love watching the reactions -the faces the birthday child makes -to the First Birthday cake? And then, the smearing that ALWAYS occurs too is just priceless, isn't it? With my kids, we never took pics of the occasion and I have no clue why but with the grandkids, it was a whole different ball game. Oodles of pics of each of my three grands with cake and icing smeared ear-to-ear and huge grins behind all that mess too. (Plus, we probably could have benefited greatly if we'd engaged a Stanley Steamer cleaning crew to come in and take care of the mess all over the floor as well as in and around the high chair too.
    Love these scenes as I'm sure you do too, don't 'cha?

  8. She's so adorable! I can't believe she's a year old already. Looks like she had a great time.

  9. Oh I LOVE photos of birthday babies eating cake! Looks like she really enjoyed it!
    She really is beautiful!

  10. happy birthday grace! may you enjoy many cakes in the years to come (and get more of them INTO your mouth)

  11. Happy Birthday, Grace! (Has it really been a YEAR??) Great pictures!

  12. MMM I want some! Looks like she enjoyed it.

  13. She's one. I cannot believe that she's one. I still remember your pregnancy post waiting for you...

  14. I love the pic where she just picks up the cake and stuffs it in her mouth!

  15. Looks like she definitely enjoyed it! :D Your girls are so cute together.

  16. Love the pics! Looks like she really enjoyed her cake!

  17. Cuuuuute pictures!!!

  18. Oh my goodness...she's 1!!!!!! How did that happen...that means my baby is almost two!

  19. Many happy returns to your pumpkin! I do enjoy those first cake pictures!
