Friday, August 13, 2010

There She Goes

PhotoStory Friday

The girl is on the move. She is walking and walking fast. So fast that I can barely capture her in action.
Yet another milestone met and surpassed all too quickly.


  1. Oh...Kat...brings back so many memories of my girls. And yes...all too quickly is right!

  2. OH MY :) Already?! Can you believe how fast they grow?! :) Beautiful!

  3. Ya know, that is what happens when you feed and water them!

  4. Those are some smoochie chubby legs! she is so pretty I love her brown hair. That first year does go by fast doesn't it?

  5. it all goes by way to fast.. Happy first b-day Grace if I am not online Sunday for your b-day and hope you have many many good presents to rip open and make a great big mess with your very own first cake..

  6. That's what happens when you blink : )

  7. Woo hoo ... a whole other phase begins! Thus begins baby wrangling... I know it well right now!

  8. Awww, cutie pie! Poor thing has 3 older brothers to keep up! Count yourself lucky she isn't running yet!

    Adorable friend!

  9. Yay Grace! Now more work for you :)

  10. Way to go Grace! That is such a cute stage.

  11. Ah and now that she has learned how to pick up a bit of speed in her movements, the fun times for her (and you) have begun! And those things won't end -probably until she or the boys bring grandchildren home to visit you! Isn't it just ever so grand though to watch them as they creep, then gingerly walk holding on to furniture and all of a sudden -poof -they are just off and running! Love it, don't you?

  12. Wait a second. That's Grace...your Grace? She can't possibly be old enough to be walking! She's adorable!

  13. Who Hoo!! Look out, you are really in for a ride now. A girl with mobility is a dangerous thing :-)
