Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm A Big Girl Now!

Lately I've been positively reinforcing every tiny milestone the boys have with, "Wow, Ben! You took off your shoes all by yourself! Such a big boy! Great job!" Or, "Tommy, you put your bowl in the sink so nicely! Thank you! You are getting so big!" I am always bragging up their big boy behavior.

Yesterday I was on my way to the bathroom with my little shadow, Ben, following closely behind. I was desperate for just a moment alone (what's that?) so when I saw he was planning on entering the bathroom with me I turned around and said, "No-no, Ben. I want to go to the bathroom all by myself."

Ben immediately gasped and said, "WOW! Good job, Mom!"


  1. Yay mom! ha ha ha
    Boys are never boreing

  2. That's hilarious! My kids still try to follow me into the bathroom, or must talk to me the second I'm in there. It's just like getting on the phone.

  3. What a funny story! Love it!

  4. the funniest things that come out of childrens mouths.. thanks for sharing..

  5. too cute!

    my daughter has been cheering me on when i go to the bathroom, too, since she has been getting cheered on herself for her newfound potty success!

  6. Hee hee!

    To the bathroom by myself? What a concept... ;-P

  7. I love it, love it love it!! The new header with all of your angels-- you are very blessed, you know? :-)
    I'm proud of you for going to the bathroom by yourself and I hate to spoil the moment, but, when Grace is walking, your bathroom is no longer yours.

  8. LMAO! Who knew, all this time they just thought you needed help!

  9. LOL! And way to go! That's always hard to do.

  10. That's awesome. I usually hear the other way...them disciplining me ;) And cute header!

  11. Love the picture of you and your family..I think I'm going to try to steal that idea on our next lake trip!

  12. LOL Maybe you'll be allowed to do it all the time now that you are a big girl! :)

  13. Oh my gosh! That is hilarious. So cute!

  14. OMG! THat is hilarious and ADORABLE! LOL

  15. Just laughed out loud and had to share that with my husband. Too cute!

  16. "Good job Mom"!!!! They can be little stinkers can't they? So cute!

  17. Too funny. What a sweetie. That made my morning. :)

  18. Ah, they grow up so fast...I bet that's what he was thinking;)

  19. Great job big girl!! :) :)

  20. Oh now THAT'S hilarious! Too funny. Clever kiddos.

  21. Kids... you can't make this stuff up! Nice story, thanks for sharing.

  22. Thanks for the smile :) What a sweetie!

  23. Yep - gotta love this stuff. Congratulations on the potw. I've been home with my boys for almost 8 years. It definitely changes your perspective.

    Once upon a time, I thought luxury was sitting under a palm tree in the Caribbean, watching a sunset with my coconut full of rum.

    Now, it's using the toilet alone, all alone, and no talking through the closed door, either. If you're not bleeding or on fire, it can wait.

  24. Oh the memories this evoked... my late mom often said that she never got used to going to the loo and closing the door completely because of all the years we were growing up and she left it ajar so she could still hear us if we got into mischief in the brief time it took her to ... well you know

    Congrats on the POTD mention!

  25. LOL! Boy did this post bring back memories!

    Congrats on POTW.

  26. now that was funny! obviously they are very quick to learn!

  27. I totally didn't see that one coming. I'm passing this on to my Mom friends.

    Congrats on your POTW mention.

  28. Kids really do say the funniest things don't they.

    mention on POTW congratulations!

  29. A cute, cute story that I'm sure Ben will enjoy telling when he has children of his own! :)
