Wednesday, December 9, 2009

WW- Christmas At Our House

The countdown begins,
and you are greeted with a tree,
garland on the window and out the window,
special drinking cups,
snowmen in front of the tables,
and on the tables,
and on the shelves,
a second tree in the family room,
and the most important part:


  1. How beautiful! It's so fun to have Christmas in a new house and decide where to put everything for the first time. I love the view of that snow through the window.

  2. That's beautiful Kat. I LOVE your windows. :)

  3. Your house looks so beautiful and festive! I bet the kids love it! :)

  4. We have that same Santa countdown! Looks like you are all ready for the holidays at your house!

  5. I love the Santa count down idea, might have to remember that one for my daycare kids next year. Your house looks beautiful. I've got all my deco up also and we might be getting snow this weekend, I'm sort of looking forward to it as it will be the first snow of the season.

    I just noticed the new leaf pictures including Grace on your side bar...very cute!

  6. I LOVE it all! Especially the tree in the foyer. I bet y'all are loving this Christmas in your new house!

  7. How pretty and your kids are loving it! Christmas is for children. Your right the best part is the gift of the baby Jesus.

  8. Your home looks gorgeous for the holidays!

  9. Love it! Great job decorating :)

  10. I love your decorations. We have a Saint Nicholas countdown with the cotton balls too.

  11. I'm jealous of all the tree action! I think I'd have a dozen Christmas trees if I had the room. :)

  12. Oh! The new house looks LOVELY!! Love the entry way!!

  13. Beautiful friend! Just plain Beautiful!!

    Glad to see that we aren't the only house counting down.

    Seems to me that 15 days can't come fast enough. Pretty sure my 3 and 4 year olds would agree!

  14. That Santa is a great idea, I'll have to remember that for next year. Beautiful decorations.

  15. That Santa is a great idea, I'll have to remember that for next year. Beautiful decorations.

  16. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. :)

  17. So pretty. I wish I had the energy for all of that decorating, maybe next year.
    So, is all of this making your house feel a lot more like home?

  18. happy Holidays Kat and family. I may be kind of absent myself. I broke my left foot today while cleaning house after shoveling early this morning..

  19. Beautiful!!! You have been busy!

  20. Beautiful trees and decorations!! I really liked the advent calendar too though -very cute. We had been putting greens in the front (baw window) window sill the past couple of years and tried it this year but, two bad kittens (still left, waiting to find homes) and one bad little dog this year put an end to that trim work! The cats like to play with the greens (imitation stuff) and the lights interwined in that also appeals to them. The dog, on the other hand, thinks that particular window sill is his private resting place so if the cats don't knock it down playing with it, he knocks it down as he jumps up there to watch the world go by!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  21. How fun was it to decorate the new place?? It looks wonderful!

  22. very lovely. cute idea for the advent calender. :)

  23. wow, Beautiful trees and decorations!

  24. looks so gorgeous in your new home!!

  25. looks lovely. and now that you have your house in order (per your last post) can you come get mine in order?

  26. Boy, the countdown has certainly begun around here too! My 5 yr old is ALL ABOUT Christmas this year!

    P.S. you should link this up to the Christmas Tour of Homes that's going on on Monday - your post is already done! :)

  27. Your house looks beautiful...and I'm realizing how much of a slacker I am. You have 4 kids, you just moved and your hubby was gone for like 4 days!

    I have none of those excuses and no decorations up.

    Want to come and do my house?

  28. I love it all! I love how our house is at Christmas too!

  29. Beautiful home - I am impressed that you got decorations up with four litte one....I thought I was doing good with just the tree!! :-) I LOVE the advent Santa - that's easy and the kids I bet love it.

  30. What a beautiful Christmas home you've made for your beautiful family, Kat~
