Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Talking It Out

Well. You are all just amazing. What seriously lovely, wonderful, supportive people you are. I honestly started feeling better shortly after posting on Sunday and reading your comments. I talked to Todd about my sorry state and of course he was very supportive. I'm sure this is just the baby blues, I've had it after each of my children were born, but it was compounded by everything else going on.

And, of course, you were all right. Talking about it made all the difference in the world. I feel so much more like myself again. Still a bit stressed, but definitely able to handle it, and certainly not alone. Whew.

I felt so good that this morning I took a bunch of pictures of the house to post for you all later this week. I know you have been waiting to see the results. The landscapers are still hard at work so our yard looks like a big mudball, and we still have a big dumpster in our front yard, but it is coming together. I think the fence in the backyard will even be finished this weekend. I guess I'll just save the outside pictures for another time, perhaps.

So anyway, what I really wanted to say was "THANK YOU" all for being so kind. I appreciate your advice and prayers so much. They really did make a difference. What a gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And on that note, Grace just woke up. Gotta go!


  1. Glad to hear it, Kat. Hugs to you. :)

  2. You are most welcome and I hope they keep getting better. Baby Blues are hard to deal with sometimes esp when you have loads of everything else on your plate at once like this move. Take care and hugs to you.

  3. I hope you start feeling better soon. I know exactly what you mean about baby blues plus moving and everything else. I was so depressed for months after having Jackson and I didn't even realize exactly how depressed I was until I started feeling better. I can't wait to see the pics of your new house!

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better, Kat. I'm sure the new baby, 3 boys, and a new house all come together to make 'the perfect storm'. Take time for yourself!

  5. I'm glad you are feeling better, Kat. I'm sure the new baby, 3 boys, and a new house all come together to make 'the perfect storm'. Take time for yourself!

  6. I'm glad things are better and I hope they stay that way. Remember, we're here if you need us.

  7. yay!

    cant' wait to see the pictures!

  8. Oooh--pictures! How fun!
    Chin up about the mudball-yard. It'll be frozen solid and covered in snow before you know it!
    Glad you had a good heart to heart with your hubby.

  9. We all have those days -- baby blues or no...

    It makes such a difference that your hubby has a listening heart.

    - Julia at Midwest Moms

  10. I'm so glad you're feeling better. Talking really does make things seem brighter.

  11. Oh my goodness, I JUST wrote my own post about my baby blues, and then I came to your blog! I'm sorry you've been feeling overwhelmed. It definitely is stressful! I hope things get better for you soon!!!

  12. Glad to hear you're feeling better...I was definitely blue after M was born, but mine ended up being full blown PPD.
    Seriously, you've been supportive of my struggles recently...if you ever want to talk - email me and we'll exchange the necessaries. I can relate quite a few of the things you're experiencing!

  13. Thrilled to hear you're feeling better. Offer still stands, I have great ears for listening when you are feeling overwhelmed.

    I'm eager to see your pictures!

  14. sorry i am so late getting here. definitely sounds like a case of the baby blues compounded by living in a state of stress and now being able to relax. be gnetle with yourself but don't be afraid to ask for help either.

    big hugs. glad to know things are looking a bit better already.

  15. Wow. I just got caught up. I'm glad you are doing better. The baby blues are rough in general and even tougher when compounded with everything else you have going on! Praying you're back to your old self soon!

  16. So glad you're feeling better and that we can be here to help support you! : )

  17. What a relief -to hear that you're feeling better, less guilt floating about and getting back on track. Feel free to unburden yourself anytime and don't hesitate to talk to your doctor too when you get feelings like these. Always best to try to get to the bottom of those feelings, release them and get them out.

  18. Glad to hear the "baby blues" are changing over to "in the pink."

    Hormones and changes and so much more . . . naturally a cloud will cast shadow, now and again. I will continue to pray for you, my sweet friend.

