Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Life has been busy, busy, busy around here and blogging (and showering, and eating, and showering) has now taken a backseat to feeding, clothing, and entertaining four little ones. Some days it is all I can do to get the boys to school on time and then remember to pick them up at their separate times. Ugh.

My mom pointed out that "they" (the experts?) always say the four most stressful things in life are 1- death of a loved one, 2- moving or building a house 3- having a baby and 4- going through a divorce. We have gone through 3 of the 4 in the last couple of months, and we are working hard not to lead to number 4. Ha! I have had a few meltdowns, but for the most part Todd and I have been a strong team all along. I know some day we will look back on this time in our lives and wonder how in the H-E-L-L we ever made it through.

The days are moving at ultra lightening speed and in less than two weeks we should be in our new house. I can hardly believe it. It doesn't seem real. Friends and family members have been helping us with the painting and staining this weekend and all of the lighting fixtures and faucets are going in too. It is starting to really look like a home now. The boys are getting so excited seeing their new rooms begin to look like actual bedrooms. Yet they still are sad to leave this house. I know the feeling.

It is funny to me that the one thing I worried about most, having Grace sleep in my room with me, has actually turned out to be a blessing. Sure, Todd has been sleeping on the couch for the last four weeks because he doesn't want to wake us up when he has to get up early (or during one of his hacking fits that has seemed to hang on for the last few weeks), and we thought one of us should try and get a bit of sleep during the night. But overall, it has gone really well. It helps that Grace is turning out to be the most pleasant baby on the face of the planet. She rarely cries unless completely famished. Even when she gets up in the middle of the night and I strip her down and change her wet clothes she just lies their and smiles at me instead of wailing and crying. Such a good girl. The boys have rarely been woken up by her cries at night.

Yes, God had it all planned out long ago. The timing of the move has turned out to be perfect. Of course. I don't know why I ever doubted. Yes, life has been really crazy around here for quite some time. But it is just as it should be. And I am so grateful.


  1. Wow, she sounds like an amazing baby! And yes I'm sure your life is crazy busy these days! Your obviously handling it all well though. : )

    Can't wait to see your new house (you will share more pics, right?) and hear that you're all moved in!

  2. Definitely a blessing to have an easygoing baby...

    Can't wait to see pics of the house all done (hint hint)!

  3. Sounds like you have it all under control!

  4. Sound like you have a full and busy life now but i amsure you are doing great!

  5. So great to "hear" from you. Great to hear that all is well, although crazy busy :) I cannot wait to see pics of the new house. I am sure your boys will love exploring all the new spaces. How exciting!!

  6. God's perfect timing. Glad to hear that your house is almost ready and that Grace is such a sweet baby! I've got about four weeks left before I found out what it's like for us to have three little boys and a baby girl...four kids four and we come!

  7. I am so very excited for you about your new house and your sweet new girl as well, I am so glad to see that you are obsessed with Twilight. I went to Forks this year it was very entertaining! have a blessed day!

  8. She felt all that love you had for her for those long 9 months and the way you thought of her every minute as your precious little one; so of course she is smiling. God is good. I am sorry for Todd I have had that cough and those racking fits and had it for a month, and I was very sick.

    It will be exciting to see the finished house! The "before" looked like a big project.

  9. I am so happy for you. I love coming over to read how happy you are in all of your business. You deserve all of this!

    (I hope Todd kicks that stuff soon, poor guy)

  10. i just love love love your positive attitude.

  11. I'm so happy for you. I know you have a pile of stress on your plate, but I'm glad you can stop and realize the good things going on as well. Blessings.

  12. I'm so excited that it's almost house moving time!! You'll have to post pictures. I'm glad Grace is so sweet and happy. Aiden was a happy baby during the night too and that was a blessing. I hope things continue to go well for you.

  13. Very exciting! I can't believe the house is almost done.
    I am glad everything has worked out so well. I hope the move is quick and easy. Can't wait to see pictures!

  14. What your Mom told you about the stressors in life was right on target! Three out of the four top ones is really hard to deal with but thankfully, you've managed to do so. The move though -WOW! Doesn't seem all that long ago you were just considering the purchase and now, to think you have it all about ready to move into is fantastic! Here's hoping once you get that move taken care of things will really settle into place as they should!

  15. Looks like you have things under control lady! When you DO get time though, you need to upload some more pictures of that precious new little one you've got over there :)

  16. I was just thinking about you the other day, about how stressful this phase of your life must be. I hope the next few weeks go as smoothly as possible and you get to truly enjoy your new home and baby. Get some sleep!

  17. She sounds like my youngest.. Glad you are enjoying your four great children. Esp time with Grace while the older ones are in school...

  18. Moving in already? So soon? My how time flies (for those of us reading your blog, that is). *snicker*

    The joy is flowing like a river around your place!

    Thanks for popping in with an update (though how you find the time, I just don't know). Now get back to enjoying it ALL!!!

    Can't wait for those "After" pics of the house. I love happy endings/beginnings. ; D

  19. SO glad to hear the updates on your life. busy time indeed. I remember well how just getting ONE off to pre-K on time was a major accomplishment with a newborn in my arms.

  20. yay you! glad it's all working out and thankful that Grace is a little sweetie pie!!!

  21. So glad to hear that the timing is working out just perfectly, even though life is crazy!

    I think I might have needed to read your post tonight. There are so many times that I can't see the forest through all the trees, yet keep hoping that I might be really close to it all working out!

    Sending hugs your way!!

  22. =) It's a good crazy, and soon the house will be all done and you'll be settled in watching all the kiddos grow.

  23. Don't you just love how God works?! Playing catch up on your blog just got back from Disney!

  24. Kat,

    I've been so out of it with catching up on my favorite blogs. I read this post last night - and wow - it has been a busy season for you! When you mentioned 3 out of 4 stressful events I knew what had happened without even reading past posts, I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. I know how hard it is and my prayers are with you.

    And Grace is so beautiful and perfect! Congratulations!! God is totally comforting you and taking care of you all! The house looks like it's going to be absolutely gorgeous when it's all finished. Wow.

    And I have to say, I've felt the same way about Harrison - growing too fast, not holding his baby body any more. I carried him back to his bed late last night after a bathroom break when he awoke from a bad dream and started to cry for a moment thinking about how fast the time goes. Only I don't get a chance to have another baby - bummer, I love baby wearing!

    Have a wonderful, productive week!
