Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WW- Not Yet

We close on the new house tomorrow. And though we won't be needing any moving boxes for another 3-4 months (until the construction is done) the boys sure do enjoy putting them to good use.


  1. Very cute. What exciting changes you have coming up.

  2. LOL, so cute.
    I remember when I was little and my dad would bring home big boxes from work and we would make houses, tunnels, etc with them and have so much fun. You might not have any boxes left when it's time to pack! LOL

  3. Yeah!! I hope closing goes smoothly!!!! I'm glad the boys are ready to get packed wouldn't want to forget them! lol

  4. Very cute! Boxes can be so much more fun than toys...

  5. They are so cute!! Boxes make better toys!

  6. how fun! a box of boys!

  7. Bet they have you scuttling around looking for them in odd places, creating forts out of towels. You do get all the exercise you will ever need this way. Not much rest; but plenty of aerobics.

  8. They are so adorable. What a perfect sized box. Something about cardboard boxes are so much fun :)

    Congratulations to you all!

  9. I do so wish you good luck with the moving with those little darlings in tow. Every happiness in your new house.

  10. It's been a while since I have stopped by!!! I am so happy that your house ordeal has worked out!!! Good luck and keep us posted about the baby :)

  11. So cute! Box up all that handsomeness and send it this way!

  12. They're ready to go, aren't they? LOL

  13. YAAAAAYYYYY!!! I'm glad everything is working out so beautifully for you.

  14. They're such cuties! That's so nice that you can wait to move until the construction is finished.

  15. That's one big box! Love their smiles...

  16. Such handsome lads!

  17. What is it with kids and boxes?

    Those are some handsome men!

  18. Remember when all you needed to have fun was a box (or is that a boy thing)?

    I wish I could get my hands on a refrigerator box!

    I'm glad to see that everything is working out finally with your house(s).

  19. Oh So Cute !! The kids are really making the best utilization of resources !!Great One..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  20. What is it with boxes? Every summer my Dad would somehow get his hands on 2 or 3 big boxes and they would be our favorite toys for the entire summer.

    Thinking about it, I have to get Kitty a box to play in soon. :)

  21. Boxes make some of the best toys... very cute. :-)

  22. who Hoo!! You can't imagine how excited I am for you guys!!!

  23. boxes rock. we have a box clubhouse in the playroom now!

    when you move if you have room save your boxes. 4 years later and we have just now used up our last big box (we've got tons of smaller ones left, and I'm so so glad we kept them all!)

  24. so cute! why do people buy toys? there is nothing so grand as a big cardboard box!

  25. That is awsome guys. Congrats on everything.. I know how it feels to have my own house. I know my husband wants to move one more time but i am a nervous wrekc about it. I hate moving and I am settled right where i am for now.

  26. CUTE! I miss you woman! Hope you are doing well! ♥ HUGS ♥

  27. Oh man - nothing like cramming in construction with moving with HAVING A BABY!! You go, girl!!

  28. You can spend a fortune on toys for kids or pets. Or just give them a box. It works out about the same but cheaper. :) Good luck with everything! You are a busy woman.

  29. Love it!!

    And look how curly Ben's hair is!! Oh my goodness that is to die for!!

  30. So cute...when we moved with our son for the first time (he was about 6 months old, we took a pic of him in the box with packing bubbles around him and used that as our change of address!

    Your boys are so adorable. And, congrats on the new house!
