Friday, June 5, 2009

PSF: Stopping To Smell The Flowers

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

It has been a pretty stressful time around here. Not just with selling the house, construction and remodel projects, busy school life, expecting a baby, and busy work schedules. But with the things that really matter. Long time marriages falling apart. Families being torn apart. Serious health problems. So much has been thrown into our laps this past month that Todd and I repeatedly find ourselves tossing our hands up in the air and declaring that the whole world has gone mad.

I think it is especially important at times like these to see all the good things in life too. And what better time to stop and smell the flowers than on the cusp of summer.

They are everywhere, if you just take the time to see them.
And speaking of the good in life. If you haven't already done so, please stop by my last post and give me your thoughts on my list of girlie names. We are running out of time!


  1. What beautiful pictures..are those from your yard?

    Amazing that God can give us both us beauty and such hideous things all at the same time.

  2. Oh, I want these bushes! Tell me they are easy to grow. ( I thought of a name for your girl-to come: Anais. You can call her Annie if you feel it is too exotic. I named my daughter Pia Nicole, ready to use Nicky as her nickname. We never did; she loved using her name and profesionally, in the arts, that name assures she is remembered.)

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous.

    It does seem the world has gone mad sometimes. It's so good to have a loving life partner to weather the storms!

  4. Lakeviewer- Those are the trees in my backyard. Crabapple and apple trees. The ones in the vase I just picked up from the grocery store. ;)
    Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw Anais is Anus? Sorry. ;)

  5. BAAHAHAHAHA!!!! I thought of anus too!!! Love, Love, Love the flowers! I try to always keep some in the house. they make me smile, but I can't grow them to save my life!

  6. That's a lot of stress! So sorry. Hang in there. I hope things get better soon.

    Those are beautiful pictures though.

  7. If that's your yard, I'm coming over.

    I think the world has gone mad and your positive outlook is right in sync with a radio station over here. They wanted people to call in all day with the good news that doesn't make the headlines.


  8. Beautiful pictures...lets just hope our summer stays. It's been awfully cool lately.

    Hope things slow down soon for you and you can finally relax. :)

  9. A-men to that Kat. I hope the stress level decreases for you (Lord knows with a newborn coming you can't expect too much, right)? :)

    Beautiful flowers and I totally subscribe to that perspective.

  10. These are gorgeous.
    And what a lovely reminder. Thank you.

    Hope all is well.

  11. Beautiful pictures! There is something about taking in the beauty of nature that always makes me feel peaceful. Even if it's just taking a quick break to sneak out into my garden, I feel refreshed for a moment... :)

  12. Great shots. I think I need some flowers here.

  13. Those are great pictures. And, yes, so very true. We definitely need to stop and smell the roses.

  14. Beautiful!! We had so many in spring, but now they all have disappeared...

  15. Beautiful! And good for you for seeing the positive in times like this.

  16. Those are just gorgeous. Spring is SO wonderful!

    Praying for less stress and peace in your family...

  17. SO pretty! I just said today that I can't believe it's JUNE. I keep expecting to still see snow...

  18. Great flowers and so important to stop and smell them. Hope more good comes your way and less things to throw your hands in the air over...

  19. Such beautiful flowers they are too, if only we had aroma vision. Life can thrown unexpected lows at us when least expecting it.

    Hope you're well, best wishes,
    CJ xx

  20. must be in the "air"...

    crazy== it feel like its all around me lately.

    thanks for the reminder

  21. must be in the "air"...

    crazy== it feel like its all around me lately.

    thanks for the reminder

  22. It what is best about Spring/Summer -- the flowers! Great shots, one can almost smell them from here!
