Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This Is Not What I Want To See In March

Though this weekend was completely wretched because of the sickies floating around our family, I took solace in watching the last of the snow melt off of our lawn on Saturday.

And then when I woke up on Sunday morning at the butt crack of dawn to take care of a crying Ben, and to water down the flames in my throat, I looked out the kitchen window and saw this:
Another few inches of fresh snow dumped into our backyard. Nice. Talk about adding insult to injury.


  1. Bless.your.heart.

    Does it help to know that my kids have total snow envy when they see your backyard?

    Probably not.

    Sending thought of sunshine your way--

  2. Well, it's beautiful. Hope it melts fast.

    So sorry about the fire in your throat. Not fun.

  3. Awww...I hope things start looking up soon. Feel better!

  4. Aww! Hang in there, Kat!!! Spring will be here SOON!!! :)
    That is a beautiful pic, tho!!! :)

  5. OMGoodness I was just thinking of posting about the very same thing, minus the sickness (so sad). We got dumped on yesterday, I was all excited for spring prior to that, bought bulbs and everything! Probably why it snowed...

  6. I'm with ya. We've had a lot of rain yesterday and today but small chance of snow on thurs if it happens at night....we'll be down in the 20's again. YUCK. At least we're nearing the middle of March. THis stuff can't last much longer right??

  7. so pretty and yet so frustrating...

  8. Omy, I am so enjoying our spring like weather here on the Gulf Coast. I am done with winter and we don't get snow.

    Maybe this will be the last of it.

  9. I feel your pain...as I sit here eating breakfast, wondering if my hubby will be able to make it home for lunch the wind/snow is THAT bad. Ugh.

  10. Ooohhh... Hugs, honey. May a warming spell come your way!

  11. Oh, man! You sooo need to move to the south. It hit 80 here yesterday!

  12. My sons spent an hour and a half making snowmen after school. Today they are drowning in the rain. I. Loathe. March.

  13. Acccckkkk! It looks beautiful, that tree, but it's just deceptively evil.
    I am sooo looking forward to spring!

  14. Utah feels your pain. But it is so typical it is almost funny. Almost.

  15. Hang in there, Spring will be here soon!

  16. Seriously??!! Gah...our high today is supposed to be 85. I'm hot and miserable. Can I come visit?

  17. Yeah. Sure seems like spring is a long way off, doesn't it?

  18. ugh. I just saw this on the weather channel!! It's pouring here... POURING!

  19. I know what you mean...I'm so happy spring has arrived for us. That's a beautiful picture though!

  20. The best part of March is that it's sure to end better than it begins. Right?? Hope it warms up enough to open some windows and blow those germs right out of your house! :) I'll keep a good thought for you. :D
    - Julia

  21. Yet another reason to head to Hawaii, right?

  22. I'm afraid we are going to get snow dumped on us too. Praying it doesn't happen though!

  23. The tylenol has gone to your head, this is exactly what we were looking at last March, so you really should've expected it :-(

    Sorry about the fire in your throat-- you know I am really sorry for you. Tylenol is terrific for fever, but not so much so for pain, you might want to ask your doctor if you can have something else.

    Feel better!

  24. Ugh...I am so sick of the weather:P We are just getting cold rain dumped on us:(

  25. Oh Kat, I'm so sorry to hear the sickies are there. This has been such a brutal cold/flu season. I was so happy to see the snow melt on Sunday, too. We even played outside in SHORT sleeves!

    And then we had the same view on Monday morning :( Meh.

    Hope everyone feels better soon.

  26. Well hopefully that's the last of it! Although it is mighty pretty, I'm sure you are tired of it. Hope y'all are feeling somewhat better...

  27. that is kinda depressing. it better thaw fast I'm telling ya!

  28. Hang in there Kat! This happened last year to you didn't it. Spring is coming,spring is coming!

  29. Ack! What is that all about? The weather is so wacky. We were almost to the 90's today and tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the low 50's. What??? Mother nature is messing with us.

  30. I know for you its a drag, but I loved looking at the tree covered in snow. We never get any.

  31. Should I not mention the 79 degree weather?

    OK. I won't.


    Seriously, with the craptastic weather we've gotten lately, I never ever get to brag.

    Your day is coming . . .

  32. Oh, so sorry, Kat! I hope some warmth & sunshine comes your way!

  33. My kinda weather.

    Hope the family is better now.
