Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WW- Ten Below

It's COLD people!


  1. REALLY cold! Beautiful though. Take care, stay warm, and stay inside!

  2. brrrrrr.

    but gorgeous shot.

  3. Ugh! It's 39 degrees here, and I think I might freeze to death *grin*. It's 71 degrees in my house and I think I might freeze to death! Ha ha! Not much tolerance for cold.

  4. It's going to get colder...YIKES! I can't stand this crazy weather. It really sucks to drive in the stuff. It is only January. Stay warm.

  5. o - I - hear - you!!!!! brrrrrrr here too!

  6. So, I guess I shouldn't complain that it will be in the 20's tomorrow after the 50's today, huh?
    I love the photo! Snuggle those cute boys of yours and keep warm.

  7. That just makes me shiver!!!! So glad I live in the south (where it is 30 today)!

  8. January is such a trying month in Wisconsin.

  9. Gorgeous picture, but *shiver, shiver, shiver* I hope you stay warm.

    We've hit a cold spell, too, and I'm not relishing the idea of going out in it.

  10. NO KIDDING! YIKES! Beautiful picture:)

  11. It looks cold in that picture...cold but beautiful. Stay warm!

  12. I would have to say that is COLD! Pretty picture!

  13. Ugh. It was like that here all last week and Saturday...

    But at least it's pretty, right?

  14. That is a gorgeous photo...but BRRRRR!!!

  15. At some point out where you are and near where I grew up the cold just gets stupid ridiculous. Looks like that's what's going on now. Stay warm! Great excuse for hot chocolate, a warm fire and a good book, no?

  16. Oh, sweetness. That's simply unimaginable. I thought for sure after your LONG winter last year, you'd be spared this year. I'm so sorry. Are you at least feeling better?

  17. Is Lake Michigan FROZEN in your picture?

    Ai yi yi!!

    Hoping for warmer temps soon!

  18. Is it really 10 below there - brrrrrrr - that is toooo cold. Pretty picture, though. Stay warm, Kat - see you soon - Kellan

  19. That's pretty! It's supposed to get down to 7 here tomorrow night. Us Southern girls are definitely not used to that... Stay warm and take care!

  20. It is REALLY cold. I hate it. Dare I say I'd rather have snow.

  21. But beautiful........from the indoors. :-)

  22. Beautiful though! Stay warm.

  23. Neat image! But, I REALLY hate the snow and cold anymore; spoiled living 2 blocks from the Gulf the past two years! Hope you and your family survive these 'clippers' OK.

  24. Okay, maybe I'll stop bitching about it being in the 40s. :-)

  25. Oh, Mr. Frost. I can feel the shivers crawling up my spine.

    But wow . . . can cold be beautiful.

  26. It's been in the 20's here, which is the equivalent for us. lol BRRR!

  27. You better believe it is -very cold!
    I'm sitting here sucking down my first cup of coffee for the day -using the giant sized coffee mug my son gave me for Christmas a couple years back. I chose it mainly for the quantity it holds but also because I felt the need of drinking out of something with these words on the side of the mug -"When I count my blessings, I count you twise!" Now isn't that sweet and warms the very cockles of your soul while the hot coffee warms from head to toe!

  28. Yikes! I don't think I've ever experienced temps like that. Does your face freeze outside?

  29. There's cold and there's inhumane - you crossed the line about 40 degrees ago!

  30. I'm with ya! We have temps here that we haven't had in AGES!!! Brrrr.

  31. That totally makes me realize what a whiner I am. It just hit 32 and I'm all cranky & cold. I have thin blood- that's what it is.

    I'll just admire your pretty pictures of snow. I don't want it here. :)

  32. Kristen- No Lake Michigan is not completely frozen, but there are lots of ice bergs rolling around in the waves.
    Rebecca- Yes. Your face does freeze in this weather. They say you only have a couple of minutes exposure before frost bite can set in. It is hard to breath when you go outside because the cold air kind of catches in your nose and lungs and takes your breath away. It is nuts.

    Today is even colder than yesterday. School has been cancelled. The expected high today is -15 with wind chills of -40. Fun! Not so much.

  33. Kristen- No Lake Michigan is not completely frozen, but there are lots of ice bergs rolling around in the waves.
    Rebecca- Yes. Your face does freeze in this weather. They say you only have a couple of minutes exposure before frost bite can set in. It is hard to breath when you go outside because the cold air kind of catches in your nose and lungs and takes your breath away. It is nuts.

    Today is even colder than yesterday. School has been cancelled. The expected high today is -15 with wind chills of -40. Fun! Not so much.

  34. Were schools cancelled there too?? I know they cancelled all schools last night at about 10:20 0r so..

  35. Having to stay a night in Chicago for the "blizzard" redefined COLD and yeah your right, it's freezing.
    keep warm!

  36. How do you do it?

    It is very pretty though.

  37. I KNOWWWWWW!!!! Beautiful pic! Hope you're feeling well!!

  38. Oh heck no!!! you are a much stronger woman than I am!!!

  39. I'm cold just LOOKING at that!!!

  40. I hear ya, hon. -36 with windchill today in my town. I didn't even know that was an actual NUMBER.

  41. I feel your pain! It was -8 here this morning (granted it warmed up a little...I use the term "warm" loosely, but STILL it is damn cold!)

  42. Ay-yi-yi. THat is such an amazing photo. It's a few degrees below here as well, and I cannot wait until Spring already!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend. I've missed your posts while away.

  43. Great for pics if you don't mind a little nose frostbite :-)

  44. WOW! I can't even imagine! That is gorgeous but I am sure you guys are freezing your keisters off!!

    Yikes.....the only good thing would be that it would curb my Target spending; I wouldn't want to leave the house!


  45. I took my ten yr. old and a friend to an indoor water park yesterday. When we left (late at night), it was -18 degrees!!!! FREEZING!!!
    I feel your pain!!!

    LOVE the picture, tho!!! :)

    Have a good weekend! :)

  46. whoah!! i would not know what to do with that kind of weather.

  47. beautiful picture.
    it was -22 below on Thursday here.
    kids had school & were at bus stops for over an hour waiting for busses that broke down.
    parents were not happy.
    weather like this is NO fun!

  48. Hmmmm.... not sure I wouldn't prefer this to the dark and the pouring down rain we have in London. I know it's very cold, but at least it's pretty and you can see some sky now and again. We had cold a couple of weeks back in Kent and the heating broke so it was back to logs and open fires.

    Hope all is well - sounds as if the couch is very important equipment.

  49. Hope all is fine - missing you...hey, posted some bloggy-bling for you on my blog...well deserved my friend, well deserved!

  50. I am here from Kellan's blog...and yeah, we have that crappy weather too...though today is 32 and they are calling for flash flooding due to all the darn snow we have been given.

  51. Hey there, just checkin' in on ya. I know you are probably just "hibernating" with it being so cold and early in your pregnancy. But... just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.


  52. um.... hello? Hello? Kat, where are you? Your cold basement misses you and the rest of us want to know you're ok.

  53. Beautiful picture. How are you feeling?

  54. Brrrr! Hope it's warmed up a little. Gorgeous picture!

    And a very belated congratulations on your pregnancy!!! How exciting!
