Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Scoop

You've all been patiently asking and prodding, and I have been harshly ignoring. Y'all want DETAILS. The goods! The Scoop! So, here it is.

How far along are you? When are you due? I am just over 6 weeks along and due in the middle of August. It is very, very early. I am always cautiously optimistic in the first trimester but I just couldn't wait to share the news with all of you. I figure if something bad happens I will need to write about it and deal with my emotions that way anyway. Hopefully that won't be necessary.

Wow! That was fast! Yes. Yes it was. (get ready to throw your rotten tomatoes) For some reason Todd and I seem to be extremely fertile. We got pregnant in the first month of trying with Joey, Tommy, and this baby, and Ben was a complete shock. (okay. go ahead and throw those tomatoes)

How are you feeling? Surprisingly well. I only have occasional waves of nausea but for the most part I feel completely fine. I get super exhausted in the afternoon and at night but with three crazy boys I'm kind of used to that. The only thing that is a bother are the migraines. I haven't had one since we went sledding last week, but I have to be very careful not to do anything too strenuous or stressful. The migraines come on very easily and it scares me to take medication for them while being pregnant. So basically I am being very careful not to over do it.

Do you have morning sickness? Not yet, but it is early. I hear that sometimes it doesn't kick in for a week or two. Hopefully it will miss me all together. Now watch, I'll probably start getting horrible nausea right after I post this. (can you hear me knocking on wood?)

Have you told the boys yet? Nope. They still don't know. Although Joey said something to Tommy the other day about saving a toy for his baby sister. I asked Joey what he was talking about because he doesn't have a baby sister and again he told me, "MOM! I told you that I prayed to God for a baby girl and He said YES!" He was very frustrated with me. Now I just have to figure out how to explain a baby boy should God decide that is the baby for us. Hmmm.

I think we will tell the boys when we get closer to three months along just to be on the safe side. Although I am kind of surprised Joey hasn't already guessed. Todd and I have both slipped and said things about "the baby" around the boys but I guess Joey wasn't paying attention.

How many kids do you want? Hahaha! This one made me laugh. Umm. I think we'll just see how we do with four. Todd swears four is his absolute limit so I don't want to push him over the edge. And I really do like even numbers. So we will most likely stop at four. Unless God has other plans.

Are you going to find out the baby's gender? Yes. We always do. I am such a planner that I need to know. I always hear how it is the best surprise finding out at the birth, but I feel like there are enough surprises during labor and I don't need the gender to be one of them. Not only that it really helps me bond with the baby even more. Instead of calling the baby "it" I can start saying "he" and calling him by name. So nice.
I'm not sure if we will tell you the gender when we find out. It might be nice to surprise you. We'll see.

I think that covers most of the questions. I'm nervous about posting this because it is so early I feel like I am jinxing it. Lame, I know. But I am a little paranoid. That is why I haven't really written about it yet. Enjoy it while it lasts, because eventually I'm sure I won't shut up about it.


  1. I'm just so stinking exciting for you.

    Have you ever done that pencil pregnancy test? I SWEAR it works (or at least it did for me, my family and a bunch of friends) OR you could get an ultrasound. :)

    Either way, I am thrilled for you Kat.

  2. How wonderful. I am so excited for you too. I would love to be having #4 along side you, but, not in our, I will read and take in everyone of your baby posts!

  3. Thanks for the updates--you answered ALL of my questions;) Glad you're feeling better headache-wise, too.

  4. I hope the nausea doesn't affect you- at least for the holidays! So excited for you. Take care of yourself and the baby.

  5. Thanks for sharing. What wonderful news. Glad everything is going well so far. I was very fertile too. I always wanted to find out. We kept our son a secret...noone knew but my husband and was fun to see what everyone else thought. We also never shared names with people. That was a big reveal too. Enjoy your pregnancy.

  6. So exciting. I will enjoy living vicariously through you! Congrats again.

  7. Congrats and I will keep you in my prayers, to do my little part to help keep this a safe and successful pregnancy. :o)

  8. Aww, congrats!!! And no tomatoes here. I'm the queen of easy conceptions (my first two were birth control babies...this one was conceived during a month when we only did the deed...uh...ONCE). Here's hoping the nausea passes you by...I had it this pregnancy for the first time and it is AWFUL!!! Relax and enjoy your holidays!!!

  9. There is something majorly in blog land huh?! I'm excited for you! I like reading other blog that are going through something similar so I'll be visiting a lot! Congrats too btw!

  10. you neeeeed a girl.

    (((and now i want another one;-)))


  11. How cute what Joey said about his "baby sister"! I'm so thrilled for you and your family. This precious new baby is going to have a wonderful family.

  12. Thanks for the details! Hubby and I are extremely fertile too. For a while it seemed as if he looked at me I got pregnant...our first two are 18 months apart!

  13. YEA! Glad to find out some details. I can't believe the boys haven't figured it out - with putting on the shirts and all.

    I wanted to hurl a few tomatoes, but I refrained. Thankyouverymuch. It took us forever the first time, although with Baby B it was a surprise.

    CONGRATS again!

  14. hurl tomatoes? why? Isn't a family a personal decision? i love it when people have more than the politically correct number of 2. Your a great mom have all the kids you want, 6 is an even number too.
    as for nausea, it's a sign of plenty of human growth hormone, so even though it's yukky it's a sign of good health. Mainly it is caused from hunger. If you eat as soon as you get up or even before you get up, that helps and frequent small snacks throughout the day. Frozen grapes are a big favorite. We don't believe in jinxes unless it's nursing and then they happen. I try and avoid superstition. Praying for a very healthy baby and easy delivery. My daughter in law is also expecting so it's easy to remember you too.

  15. Squeee! Thanks for sharing! I've been wondering, but not wanting to ask.

    I love his prayer and answer. He may have ya there darlin'

  16. So exciting!! A friend of mine found out super early the sex of her baby. Apparently there is some awesome blood test out there now. Good luck!

  17. Congratulations on the good news! Hope all will go well for you.

  18. congratulations! you have a 17% chance of having a girl! i have friends who have done it! me, i have 4 girls and love them all to bits.

    that pic of your boys sitting around the tree is just precious

  19. I loved hearing the scoop! I am so happy for you!

  20. I'm glad you haven't been feeling too bad. I hope that continues and you have a safe healthy pregnancy!

  21. I'm glad I kinda "knew" what was up, but like I said, I'm so very excited for you.

  22. So exciting! I would so love to be pregnant again- it is just the raising another child part that I am not so sure about.

  23. I TOTALLY understand about "guarding your heart" with sharing the news sooo early. I pray that all goes well for you. God's plan is perfect.

  24. I am so so excited for you Kat! Woo hooo!!

    And can I ask you something? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't keep it a secret from us. SO NOT FAIR!

    Some of us are also planners you know.

    Keep the name a secret if you want but not the sex!! :)

  25. I don't think you are jinxing it, just think of how many more people are keeping you in their prayers.
    I also like to know. That's way I figure out their name. Knowing mine were boys really helped me to prepare and connect with them, I decided on their name a little while prior to delivery and loved when I saw them and new I was right.

  26. Eee! So exciting!!! Keep feeling well! :) So happy for you!

  27. We're extremely fertile too so I won't throw anything rotten your way.

    I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear your boys' responses!

  28. Hey, that pencil test was right on for me!

    Remember, if it's a girl I'll be sending you hairbows! I've made lots of really pretty ones lately.

    I remember being absolutely miserable with morning sickness with Rachel (not that I'm wishing it on you), but was reassured by the fact that it at least meant good things were happening. I didn't enjoy it, though. Blegh!

  29. We had our ultrasound yesterday, and I am shocked that I was able to keep it a secret. We found out with both girls, but I wanted to see what the "surprise" factor was like this time - the funny thing is, you'll know before me!

    Congrats again!

  30. I am just so very excited for you! I think it's awesome and fun to get to read along, and I also think Joey is so cute being so sure he knows - without even knowing. ;)

  31. Okay, if you weren't so stinkin' cute I would so hate you for being so fertile (I'm just kidding, but years ago I would have thrown tomatoes ;)).

    I am so happy for you Kat!!! I think you're smart waiting a bit before telling the boys.

    And we had to know for both too... I'm too much of a planner as well :).

  32. I'm so happy for you. I wanted more, but God saw fit to only send two. Hey, if you keep going, maybe you could have your own TLC program, like the Duggars! They just added baby #18, which is just insane! I can't imagine she has much of a life of her own anymore.

    Well, they are an inspiration at any rate. I'm just happy you're doing well so far. We're all pulling for you - Merry Christmas - D

  33. I could not be more thrilled for you. I love all the details. Thanks for sharing Kat.

  34. ...and then I answer my own inquiry while I'm doing my catching up surreptiously while everyone's in bed upstairs. ;-) mid- August. cool.
