Friday, November 28, 2008

Last Minute Surprise

Date night! Woohoo! Todd's mom came over and we are on our way out for an impromptu date night. A night of Christmas shopping for the boys, dinner, and a movie. I'm so excited!

Now if we can only get out the door!


  1. Oh! How wonderful - enjoy it!!!

    You deserve a nice night out - have fun!

  2. Woo hoo! Enjoy your night out on the town, you two.

  3. Have fun. I was almost like J and I had dinner alone tonight since the girl sat under the table the whole meal.

  4. Ooh, fabulous! Enjoy!

  5. Your date nights sound just like ours- we finally get out without the kids and we go shopping for them.

  6. Oh how fun!!! Seriously, hope you both got a chance to relax, and get some productive shopping done!!

    One that did not require you to feed anyone goldfish, just so you could see one more thing!

  7. I'm glad you were able to get over that nasty migraine in time to enjoy Thanksgiving.

    And enjoy that night out!! Woohoo!

  8. Sounds like a great time. Enjoy the night out.

  9. Ooooo how fun! Haven't had a date night here in ages and we're in dire need of

    I know I don't always comment but I'm definitely always a lurker on your blog. I sooo didn't mean that to sound as stalkerish as it did. ~grin~

    Hope you had a Happy Turkey Day!
