Sunday, November 30, 2008


Whew! NaBlaBlaBla is over with! Finally!

At first the month just blew by. Subject matter kept presenting itself over and over again. I had no shortage of material to write about. It was a breeze. Then as the weeks moved along it became a bit more difficult until we got to this last week and it was downright painful. I wrote about things that didn't matter because I just didn't have the energy or brain cells to write about the other stuff.

I heartily apologize for my posts this last week. Dreadful, I know. But I had made a decision not to complain about NaBloPoMo in any of my posts this month and I tried to come up with something fresh for each post. Didn't work so well. You can see this week suffered. Sorry.

So! No more boring one paragraph posts telling you what I'm doing. No more lame-o pictures of me in my jammies (although I do still adore them). From now on I will only post when I have something interesting to say. What a novel idea!

I will tell you that:

1- Wednesday morning was a nightmare. By far my worst day in a long time. The boys were devils and even told me that they just want daddy, not me. That is was fine if I went away and didn't come back. It was depressing and horrible. My mom came over to stay with the boys during their naps while I went to get my hair done and I had all I could do to keep from crying on my way out the door.
Todd came home while I was gone and I knew he was home but I didn't want to go back home. I was dreading walking in that door with those sassy children. They were just wretched. Instead I went to a coffee shop, stopped at my mom's house, and then went down to the lake. More than three hours later I finally came home.
It was like a light switch was flipped with the hubby home. The boys were happy. I was peaceful. And all was right in the world. I have been an awesome mom since. Granted it has only been four days, but I haven't even run out of patience and yelled ONCE! That is a miracle for me. A Christmas miracle.

2- I felt the affects of the stressful Wednesday and woke up Thursday morning with blurred and flashing vision. An early sign a migraine was coming. It was very odd since I've NEVER woken up with a migraine before. I guess it was a good thing I injured my knee because otherwise I may have missed the migraine signs and tried to run the 10K. That would have been awful. Luckily I was able to get rid of it before we headed over to Todd's folks for Thanksgiving lunch.
We stayed at Todd's folks for a while and then went over to my mom's house for Thanksgiving dinner. The whole day turned out to be a success. One of the nicest holidays I can remember and that is saying a lot since there was a fair amount of sadness surrounding a part of my heart without my dad with us. We had tried to stop by to see my dad but he was so tired he couldn't keep his eyes open. I guess in the end I again remembered that he is where he needs to be. And there was comfort and strength in having our family together and saying a blessing for my dad before we began dinner.

3- I am almost done with Christmas shopping! I have Todd and the boys done and now I just need get some things for the parents, nieces, and nephews. Easy peasy!

4- I finally buried St. Joseph. We had another open house today and I figured it just couldn't hurt. We only had one couple look at the house so we'll just see where it goes from here.

5- I finished Twilight in two days. I liked it. Yep. Good stuff. I asked the hubby to get me the book set for Christmas. I can see how some people have trouble with it, however. It is written for teenagers. The writing is basic and the narrative through the eyes of a teenager may not appeal to all adults. But sometimes it is nice to not have to think so much when I read. To be able to escape into a world so different than mine now, and yet a world that I can easily recall. I had an Edward, too. No, I wasn't in love with a vampire. But I was left feeling sucked dry and lifeless when the relationship ended. Most of us have had that one obsessive relationship. A relationship that seems so incredibly perfect until you find that one glaring, nagging flaw. In Twilight that flaw is just much more obvious.

Yes, for those of you that asked, I enjoyed Twilight immensely.

6- Still no word on whether or not I have West Nile Virus. They said the results would be in within the week, so I'm guessing no news is good news. Right?

7- I must be taking over where Tommy and Joey left off because I haven't been feeling the greatest these past few days. Please continue to be patient with me and I promise I will be around to visit y'all shortly. Thanks.

8- It is snowing here. It looks absolutely beautiful. Big, juicy snowflakes are furiously fighting their way to the ground. It makes me want to sing Christmas carols and make cookies. Or maybe just eat cookies. Either way, I'm in the Christmas spirit!


  1. I have snow fr-envy -- the friendly kind that makes me wish I lived next door so I could wave you over for some cocoa and marshmallows as we dance amongst the fluffy flakes. Still too warm and sunny in my gardens for snow . . . but I'm hoping. : )

  2. We had our first snow last night and the boys were excited when they woke up this morning. I'm glad hubby is home and all is well again. My heart broke for you when I read about your Weds. Unfortunately I've had too many days like that and it's so hard to muddle through. I hope you have an awesome week!

  3. Cheer up buttercup! Every now and then life gets the best of ya. Hope this week is a better week!

  4. things are getting better!!


    ((we had some flurries here too....nothing too sticky though.))

  5. Glad you are feeling more like yourself. Nothing like a little snow this time of year to get into the Christmas spirit. I am waiting for the snow down here...just sleet now.

  6. I know how you feel about posting. Don't write something just to write. I have tried so hard to not make myself do that. It is so hard. The best posts come from ones that won't let you NOT write it. It nags at you until you sit down to write. Take your time. We will be here. :)

  7. ST JOE will work for YOU! I just know it! YES for me Twilight was fast easy reading where I did not have to think and YES I need that sometimes! Have a great week!

  8. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's your blog and you can put what you want on it. Sometimes what we need is to say what is going on even when it isn't pretty. we're your friends if we can't be there for those times then we're not worth much. kids say things they don't mean. Really you did well, you left the house and got your hair done. I would've pulled an Old Woman and the Shoe, or an old woman and a wooden spoon. wooden spoon's are my weapon of choice. It's war when it comes to sass!
    You are almost done? I'm just starting and trying to keep it really simple!

  9. I'm glad things are better. Those days are so hard, aren't they? For me, they make me question everything about myself, because being a mom is who I am.

  10. Glad you got a break on Wednesday, some time to yourself. Also glad you had a good holiday.

    NaBloPoMo is DONE - YAY! : ) (just meaning I don't have to do it anymore too!)

  11. Wow- sounds like some crazy days! i am glad you made it through!! :)

    NOW go see the Twilight movie! :) You'll find is cheesy- but still pretty good.

  12. Congrats on your 30 posts in 30 days. Seriously, I consider that a HUGE accomplishment, and I am pretty sure I could not do it!

    Glad to hear that you got a much needed break on Wednesday. Don't worry I think we all have those days, when walking out of the house to never return doesn't seem all that bad. I remember a day when I was sure I was going to take the kids to chet's work and drop them off. I.WAS.DONE.

    Take time to relax and hang in there. And yes, I swear eating cookies helps. Enjoy your snow, and hoping that your now upside down St. Joseph does the trick!!

  13. St. Joe will work. I told you he sold one of mine for asking price in 3 days, right? It was killer. And, I'm glad you liked the book. And, I don't know that I agree with your impression of Edward. I don't think he's bad for her at all.

  14. I couldn't do 30 posts in 30 days. Let's be real - I struggle with two posts a week! But I enjoyed yours, so thanks!!!

    Glad you Hubby's home, the saint is burried, and all is well. Hopefully you wake up tomorrow & the cold isn't here to stay :)

  15. Congrats on completing the blog post a day for the past month. I thought about doing that, then forgot but now, a writer's group I belong to is trying to get everyone to sign up to do it in December. No way would I attempt that then! Too doggone many other irons in the fire to get done between now and Christmas and I've been trying to cut back on the amount of time I spend on the computer as it is of late. So not gonna do that -not just yet!
    It is depressing though when little kids say the mean and hurtful things they come out with at times. Maya does that to me sometimes and even though I know she hasn't really a clue as to what she's said actually means, it still can cut into the ego a good bit at the time.

  16. Okay, lots to comment on here, but mostly I wanted to say I know how hard it is to hear "I don't want you, I want Daddy". While my husband was away last week I got "You are not my favorite, I only want Daddy, Daddy is my favorite." So hard, especially when you are the one, the only one, there. When you are always the one there. Sometimes it is just so hard to put it in perspective and it sounds like you did a great job.

  17. I had tonight off and couldnt sleep when he wen to bed an hour ago and I am cleaning and then thinking about the tree but our cat. I dont know what she will do to it.. its not real stable as it is.. Yikes... She is only eight months old and likes to run around Yikes.... But hope you find everything for the rest of your family....

  18. Yippee you did it! I couldn't have done the Nablooblahblee thingy. Just today these words came out of my mouth to my husband
    Me: Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you......

    And seriously, at that moment I have no idea what I was going to say. I still can't remember what I was thinking about.
    Point, there is no way I could write a post every day for a month.

  19. Congrats on making it through NaBloPoMo! I was an early dropout.
    I am totally in the Christmas spirit too, which is very unusual for me, but I'm loving it!

  20. Lucky You! We have rain and no snow.

  21. YA! We did it!!! I think I lied when I posted I will do it next year!?!?!?!?!?

    What a busy time of year! Love your winter scene.


  22. Congrats on your 30 posts! That's amazing - I think I kept up with most of them too. Yay me :)

    I'm glad you liked Twilight. I loved it! Have you seen the movie yet?

  23. Hurray for almost done shopping!!!!!

    Any pics of the snow for me? It doesn't snow much here.

  24. I have my Christmas presents all bought too and all the extended families presents are wrapped. It was a time waster this past week with the kids having the whole week off and the LOVED it. I think we'll keep it as a tradition from now on. It will be so special for them to see their grandparents opening the presents they picked out and then wrapped for them!

  25. Congratulations for surviving. :)

  26. Oh my GOODNESS girlie, you need a BREAK! I'm sorry life has been throwing you lemons lately.

    I'm jealous too that you have snow! I want some!

  27. Glad you got to take some time to step back and come back home refreshed, and I'm hoping the house sells soon! I'll be reading Twilight aloud to Tom on our road trip. :)

  28. I hope St.Joseph brings you the luck now that he's in the ground! LOL! Have you considered PhotoBooks for Christmas gifts for the grandparents? I suggest shutterfly, I ordered mine on a Sunday and they arrived Monday! I am thrilled.
