Monday, October 20, 2008

Sick. In The Head.

Ugh. I'm just so blahhhhhh.

Yes, we had a fine weekend. We went to the pumpkin farm, fed the animals, took pictures, blah, blah, blah. Todd went bow hunting and I took a super long run, blah, blah, blah. We rented a movie and had my favorite pizza, blah, blah, blah. We had an open house, blah, blah, blah.

I am just feeling so blahhhhh.

The kids have been difficult and restless and I have been sick, grumpy, and tired. This morning Ben found lotion and covered almost the entire couch before I caught him. Tommy is whiny and sassy, throwing toys and stomping his feet. I'm hoping it is just a phase and passes quickly otherwise they may find themselves out on the front lawn next to the For Sale sign.

I don't know if it is the weather or the fact that this cold is still hanging on so, but I just can't shake this blah. I know I have to get myself moving and go to the grocery store (ugh some more) but I just can't get up the energy. Blah, blah, blah. Today's weather fits me so perfectly with the dark, dreary rain. I just want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head but Nooooo. These kids want something more than just the Cheerios I chucked on the floor for them. They are just so selfish. Always me, me, me. "Mom, I'm hungry!" "Mom, I have to go potty!" "Mom, can I get dressed?" Ugh. Why can't they be more like these other lazy kids I always hear about that want to do nothing but watch TV? Where do I get me one of those?

Fine. I'm going, I'm going. I'll go and get out of these pajamas, dress the boys, go to the store, pick up Joe from school, feed the boys (again), blah, blah, blah.

"Rainy days and Mondays always get meeeeee down."


  1. Oh, boy. One of those days! I hope you feel better soon. Now I have The Carpenters stuck in my head. Thanks! :-)

  2. Some days are like that. Mine was like that yesterday and today is not feeling too bad - hope yours improves, too.

  3. We all have those days.

    Big hugs and sunshine to you sweet one.

  4. Yes! Why can't they make their own breakfasts and get me coffee? GRR! Darn those toddlers/pre-schoolers!!

    I'm kinda having one of those years... so I gotcha! ;)

  5. Wait....did you say he LOTIONED the couch?! Did I read that right?

    Girl - I can see why you are in a 'blah' mood right now. Goodness! :(

  6. Ugh I don't like bla moods either.

    As for the lotion, that really sucks!

  7. Mondays are often bad like this for me as well. Another week of the same old shopping, cleaning, dealing with fighting, whining kids. But then Tuesdays are usually better (same stuff, different attitude.) I hope it's the same for you. The rain can't help though. All I ever want to do when it rains is stay inside in my PJs. Who wants to take kids grocery shopping in the rain?

  8. Sorry you're feeling so crummy. I have totally been there. Especially with the kids always needing things. I fell like my 3 year old never stops asking for things. He usually asks for something while I'm still getting the original thing he asked for...AHHHHH!! Calgon Take Me Away!!!

    Just you take supplements?? I have been taking some good stuff and I kicked my cold in 2 days!

  9. Oh man that stinks that you aren't feeling good. It just started raining here and I was hoping to get another shopping trip out of the way I guess it will have to wait another day.

  10. I hope the sun comes out soon for you...literally and figuratively!

  11. It sounds like you need a girl's night out with your friends or something. ;) I hope things start to go better for you soon.

  12. Hope the blahs go away soon. I think the sun may shine tomorrow.

  13. {{{hugs}}} It doesn't help at all, but we've all been there. Hope the clouds part soon.

  14. I have started and deleted this post several times over the last week. (mine wasn't nearly as clever as yours, more blah.)

    And what is it with kids wanting to eat every single day! I mean, didn't you just feed them yesterday? Jeesh.

  15. I'm hearing this all over the blog. Do you think it's an internet virus? Sure hope you feel better soon. : )

  16. go take a nice hot soak (and let the lotion fall where it may), and come back out when it's tuesday. That's my prescription for you. It's that or take a quick trip to England while Todd packs up the house, but no sun here either...

  17. ya, some days you just need to lay around and do nothing. Kids do make that hard, don't they? Mine always do, too.

  18. cold weather, sickness, rammy kids....uh yeah, that's a recipe for the blahs for sure. be kind to yourself.

  19. I've got the cold/cough/nose junk too & it's killing me!!! UGH!

  20. Aren't you glad to know you aren't the only one who's had days like this, 'cause you SO are not! ; )

    Looking forward to seeing some of those pumpkin farm pics when you feel more up to it!

  21. We've all got "the" cold too...
    not much helps, it keeps hanging on!
    Thanks for stopping by my Halloween
    Party! Someone said 200 blogs were
    involved, it is fun to see everyones
    creative Halloween ideas. Fun!
    At least the sun peeked out this afternoon!!! It helped me alot!

  22. I love it when we feel the same way on the same day. I'm so with you about the blahs. I think that's the major reason I've got writer's block - totally blah and apathetic right now. Good luck with the house. I know that's hard on you.

  23. I am having the same kinda of Monday. I mean really want to eat? ugh.

  24. Sounds like somebody needs some milk chocolate.

  25. and you know what makes it worse...winter is coming. i have a great idea. your feeling blah. i'm feeling blah. let's get together and feel blah together!!

  26. I know what you mean. I feel that way too sometimes. At least it did get nice out today.

  27. Well, is your couch nice and soft now? bah-dum-bum.

    My sis-in-law put Vaseline on the wall when she was little. I hope the couch is easier to clean than that. Hope your week gets better!

  28. I have totally been there, Like one time a week when my hubby is at work for 24h


    CANDY will be your biggest cheerleader on the running!!! Because if you had NOT taken that run- you might feel worse;-)

    just sayin.....


  30. Cold dreary weather bring on the blah,blah,blahs for me. So far all we have had is cold as well as having a cold.
    Hang in there, tomorrow is Tuesday!

  31. We all get the blahs. I had one of those days last week.


  32. Blah, blah, blah - I know!

    I hope it gets better and you have a good week!!

    Take care - Kellan

  33. Oh, Kat - You wrote this post for me, didn't you?! I have been feeling the SAME. WAY. Which is one of the reasons I've barely been on blogger lately.

    I'm trying to get myself out of this funk...hopefully you'll get out of yours too!

  34. That was the perfect description of a Monday. Here's hoping things improve.

  35. When I'm really grumpy i leave the pajamas on and cover them up witha floorlength coat. Ah ha! I make sure my belt is snuggly tied. At the market I do a most minimal shop and look no one in the eye!
    If one really looks the part of a bag lady it is best to shop in a different neighborhood.

  36. This too will pass, it what I tell myself.

  37. Ugh. I'm right there with you. This 40 degree weather suckeths.

  38. DOwn on your damper even after flowers from hubby, huh?? Man, you got it bad girl!

    Well, here's to finding some semblence of happiness the rest of the week...I had one of those LAST week. Ugh.

    blah blah blah

  39. Well, it is true enough I think that most of us all do get a case of the "blahs" from time to time but when dealing with a nasty cold or a twinge of the flu -whatever -the "blahs" almost always seem to accompany that type of illness too. Don't feel well enough to cope, to enjoy anything and of course, with little kids, they always seem to pull out all the energy that might be left inside ya and suck the living daylights out then! Here's hoping you get back on track, feeling much better soon. When my kids were growing up and would tick me off, one of my fav expressions to use on them was that I was "Gonna sell them to the first band of gypsies that came through town!" And some days, I really meant that too!

  40. It sucks when Mums can't take days off, doesn't it? get better soon pet.

  41. Can't you just throw them outside? And lock the doors?
    What, that's illegal? Oh. Dang.

  42. Hang in there - this is a terrible time of year for feeling yucky - plus you guys have lots on the mind - hang in there - things will get better.

    I suggest you have some me-time - get away and get refreshed - go have a massage or something you enjoy. You deserve it and I am sure you will bounce back in no time.


  43. NOW HEAR THIS...

    I'm a few years down the road, so let me give you a peek... YOU'll LOVE IT!

    all these days that are your blah, blah blah days... they'll come back in triplicate (I'm lucky enough to get quadruple- so feel free to catch up).

    In a few fleeting moments... when you have the "blah" days (generally monthly in my case *grin) ... your darling boys will come and rub that lotion on your feet - instead of on the the couch...

    another boy will bring you muffins they've finally learned to bake on thier own...

    while the other puts away YOUR laundry for a change!!!

    yes, I remember the days when I had all 4 in carseats, and none of them could do even the simple task of getting a drink on their own (well, they could... and then it'd take me an hour to clean out the fridge)...

    uhhh- there were days, I truely don't remember how we all survived...especially the days they couldn't go outside. (Now I'm remembering the 'real' reason why I have so many photos of them "playing in the rain")

    hang on mommy...
    not only does it get easier...

    it's flat out WONDERFUL to have your own little pampering service!!! (it's good to be the queen!)

  44. hey girls, none of this blah stuff. you should know better than anyone sanity is but that fleeting moment between episodes of insanity. :)

    kids be your mother's revenge on your childhood. and everytime you see a smile on her face you know she is taking delight in her sweet revenge.:)

    also remember that the kids are the big reason hubby leaves the house early every day and stays away all day. then comes home late at night after the kids are in bed and tells you how hard he worked all day. :)

    its not illegal to lock them out of the house. its illegal to lock them in the closet. just be sure to lock the windows also. :) just be sure to let them know that you are not locking them out but locking yourself in the house. :)

    might even use the excuse that you were a bad girl and you are punishing yourself by not allowing yourself to go out and play. :)

    motherhood, isn't it a joyful time? :)

  45. I'm so with you on the Monday blahs!!!!! And the rain. And the gloom. Yuck!

  46. I am right there with you today.

    I am not sure if this is better or worse than lotioning the couch, but my little one just ate a match.

  47. I've had a lot of Blah days lately too and I don't know if there's something in the air, but Aiden has been more onry than usual (if that's even possible!!)

    Hang in there.

  48. So sorry to hear of the blah-ness. I think I have it here too. Chet just called to make sure that everyone was still "OK" in our house today too. I informed him that the kids were still alive, thanks for asking!

    Hope your day is full of blue skies today, and kids who want to do nothing more than watch TV!!

  49. Funny my Monday felt like that too!!! And believe me you don't want one of those kids that just sit in front of the T.V. What fun would that be?

    Loved the pillow story!!!

  50. Finally, someone else feels the same way as me. I'm sorry the rain gets you down, too. I'm sure the cold didn't help. I posted about the blah rainy blues last week, and all the comments I got were "I love the rain!". ;)

    Hope you're feeling better!

  51. Ohhhh mercy! I have those days too...only I'm always going to ship my girls back to China. I LOVED this post...the way you wove humor into your frustration was brilliant...darn selfish kids! ; )
