Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Suggestions Part 3

Since I usually don't post on weekends I thought I would give you all some great reads written by other bloggers. Every Saturday I will pick three posts that stand out in my mind from the week's reads. They can be posts that make me laugh, cry, or just strike a chord with me. Please feel free to visit the links and leave comments.
Thank you and happy reading!

Debbie from Wisteria and Roses with Give Us This Day...
A beautiful post not just about nourishing the body but also the soul.

The Lehners in France with A Big Bag of Poo!
A hilarious story of how language truly can be a barrier.

Roxy Wishum from Transforming with No Country for Old Men
Talk about inspiring! This is an amazing story of endurance, strength, and the human spirit.