Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Suggestions Part 2

I am trying something new. Since I usually don't post on weekends I thought I would give you all some great reads written by other bloggers. Every Saturday I will pick three posts that stand out in my mind that I have read in the past week. They can be posts that make me laugh, cry, or just strike a chord with me. Please feel free to visit the links and leave comments.

And the three picks are...(drumroll)

MamaGeek with I Miss This
This woman is such a genius with a camera and she makes me laugh too.

Caffeine Court with The Reckless Worshipper
This post made me want to stand up and applaud. I wish I had the balls to do this.

Imbeingheldhostage with The 3 R's: Reading, Riting, and (Belated) Recognition
I know she was one of my picks last week but the freaking woman did it again! She makes me bawl!

I had a very tough time narrowing the picks down to just three this week. There were so many good posts! I hope you click over and visit these blogs, read 'em, and comment.

(P.S.- Does anyone know why my links have suddenly decided not to open in a seperate window?)


  1. Great picks, this week!

    My links are doing it, too! Maybe it's a blogger setting?

  2. Great picks, Kathryn. I went to them all!!! I enjoy having new blogs to visit, new people to meet.

    Thank you! This is so very, very cool.

    You need a cool title and a badge for this idea. I could see this spreading around like crazy (plus, I want to do it and I want to give you ALL the credit for coming up with such an awesome idea).

  3. Once again, I love this idea!

    And your choices are spot on! I happen to be a huge fan of Mama Geek myself!

  4. Laskigal- I'd love to make a badge and set up a mister linky but I am SOOOOOO clueless. I can't make a badge to save my soul.
    But feel free to play along! :)

  5. Well, I will have to check 'em out:)

  6. Creative idea and what a way to incorporate everyone! I already read MamaGeek so I'll have to check out the other 2.

    I couldn't run this weekend because I left my tennis shoes at work but I'm bringing them home tonight...wish me luck!

  7. Stephanie- Yay! Good for you! Good luck! :)

  8. Wow, I thought you were kidding... thank you, I feel really honoured to make your list. really. Thanky you.

    Oh, and yeah, those pictures.. her pictures are always fab, don't you think?

  9. I must say I'm so honored and humbled you even mentioned me. I love this linkage idea too - it's so hard to find the time to recommend others to others. This is great.

    Thank you again Kat!!
