Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TT- Grateful

There will be NO MORE whining on this blog!

Okay, that is a lie. I'm sure I will whine again, but at least I'll hold off for a while before I do it again. I have been so pathetic and whiny lately that I am even annoying myself. It has got to stop! Bah!!!

I have been in such a funk for the past month and I just couldn't get myself out of it. And the funk really didn't have much to do with moving and selling a house. Yes, that is a stressful thing, but so what? If being able to move to a bigger house that suits our family better is the most stressful thing in my life right now then I should shut my big, fat, whiny mouth and thank my lucky stars! End of story. I am very excited at the prospect of moving and that is that.

Still I was in this weird funk. I know we all get these but this just seemed to hang on for a while. But I think I am out of it now. And I'm ready to stop whining. You're welcome.

So, just to prove I am over my whining, my Thursday Thirteen will be 13 things I am grateful for and that make me happy.


1- After being gone from running for the past month (I pulled my ACL-painful) I started running again this week. AND WOW! What running does for my outlook and my attitude! They should bottle this stuff! Oh wait, they probably do. Anyway, since I've started running again I am so much more patient and kind and calm. The feeling I get after running is the best drug ever. I highly recommend it. And this from someone who used to say that running was my own personal hell.

2- My new favorite show = Fringe. Please tell me you've seen it. I LOVE this show. I am so excited about it. And no, not just because my boyfriend is in it (joshua jackson). It is just such a thrill ride. And it is witty and captivating and well written. Loves it!
3- I've lost weight! Only 4 more pounds and I will be back to my goal weight. Which means I will probably get pregnant again soon. HA! It always seems to happen right when I hit my goal weight. Go figure! (pun intended)

4- Fall is here! I love fall. It makes me so happy. I have beautiful rustic-colored mums all over my yard and the maple tree out front is starting to turn color. The air is getting crisp and the nights are cool. The wind is picking up and the waves at the lake are getting bigger. It is almost time to head off to the pumpkin farm and pick up some pumpkins to put on display (like you all said, a few fall decorations won't hurt) and some apples to smash into applesauce. Oh fall, I love you.
5- The fall lineup has started on TV! Woohoo!! In fact there are so many good shows I don't want to miss that my DVR is going to have a nervous breakdown. Between The Office (YA-Hoo!!!!), 30 Rock, and Grey's Anatomy all starting tonight I really don't know what to do with myself. I won't even get into all the other shows I watch during the week. Like, Fringe (have I mentioned how much I love this show?), Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, ER (final season!!!!), Ghost Hunters, The Biggest Loser, The Hills (I know. Shut up.), Jon & Kate Plus 8, and oh my crap I could go on and on. But I won't even get into it!
6- The 1st showing of our house went really well last night. It was a young couple that wanted to see the house but unfortunately only the woman could make it. However, she LOVED the house and is bringing her hubby back to see it on Sunday for our open house. It sounds promising but we'll just have to wait and see.

7- Because I worked SO HARD yesterday (and reinjured my knee, thank you very much) and cleaned the house from top to bottom (this house looks seriously amazing) I have very little to do before the open house on Sunday.

8- I put up a few fall decorations yesterday and set out some spiced apple candles and now my house smells and looks all homey and cozy.

9- When Tommy goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays Ben and I get some real quality time together. I love it, and so does he. I thought he would really miss his brothers but he just loves having me all to himself.

10- My family has hardly even complained about what a bag I've been lately. I'm lucky they put up with me. Especially the hubby. He has been super patient and understanding with me during my major freak outs in the past few weeks. It is much appreciated.

11- Coffee. MmmmMmmm, coffee. I don't know how I would do mornings without coffee. And the funny thing is that I never even drank coffee before I married Todd. But he introduced me to FLAVORED coffees, and I was hooked. I must have been an extremely cranky morning person before Todd. I can't even remember.
The flavor of the week this week is pumpkin spice. Ohhhh yeah. And of course it always tastes even better in a funky mug. Of which I have far too many (according to Todd).
12- I'm thankful for all the millions of home improvement shows I've watched on HGTV in my life. It really helped us to stage our home and get it ready for the open house. I liked my house before but it looks even better now. The house shows really well.
13- I've been feeling super snuggly lately and I'm so grateful that all my boys are still willing to cuddle with me. Makes me so happy.

There see? A whole post with no whining! Well, almost. But close enough, right?


  1. I've haven't seen Fringe or tasted Pumpkin Coffee, but now I two new things to add to my To Do list. I love getting idea's from everyone. I am so grateful for the fall season and my cuddly boys too. Now that the mornings are colder we find ourselves snuggling in bed instead of getting ready for work/daycare...totally worth it!

  2.! I would marry it if I could. Even though I'm already married.

    Snuggly boys are the best! And so is exercise--when I can make myself do it, I'm always glad I did!

    I'm glad things are looking sunny side up!

  3. I meant to watch Fringe...and I just missed it:P

  4. Oh the blessings of coffee! And kids who love to snuggle!

  5. I love fall too. Jealous of your deciduous trees. Palm trees look the same all year 'round.

  6. A little whining is good. Helps the rest of us realize we aren't the only ones whining, heee.

    MMM, coffee.

  7. I have a big smile on my face after reading your gratitude list...we like so many of the same things! I'm going to have to check out Fringe on t.v...although I don't think I should get hooked on another show. ;)

  8. yay for you!!! And if you could pass the running bug onto me someday, I'd sure appreciate it!

  9. I love fall, and I truly miss that part of living in the midwest...yea for you, sad for me!

    If you ever have the time, and trust me I know you are busy....will you please tell me how you made the transition from running equals hell to running equals best drug? I hate running, but lately I have been feeling like I just need to do it. How did you get started? Seriously, I could probably only run for about 3 minutes right now.

    I am so pumped for new shows too. Woo-Hoo....I was actually just going to post on this.

    Way to get yourself out of the funk. I hope to be right behind you!

  10. Hoo-ray for The Office! I can't wait. I do want to watch Fringe, but so far I've missed it. maybe I can find it online.

    Glad to see you're doing better. Hang in there.

  11. So happy that you are happy!

    Fngers crossed (while I watch the same shows as you...) that the young couple decide to make an offer - wouldn't that be sweet! Good luck!

  12. I'm glad you could find so much to be grateful for, but I say when you're in the mood--whine. That's what we're here for, and I think it really helps (at least me) to have a place where you can let lose and just be real sometimes. No worries. Besides, it's not really whining, it's legit.

    I hope the open house goes well Sunday with multiple offers!

  13. FRINGE?!? During the second episode, as I was hiding behind a throw pillow, I said "I am SOOOOO done with this show. After this episode, because I have to know how it ends." My husband laughed. But I CAN NOT deal with shows that begin with people dying in a horrible way, and then you spend the next hour finding out just how horrible it was and who perpetrated it, no matter how well written it is.

    I am, however, looking forward to ER tonight, and Heroes rocked.

  14. I'm glad you are getting into the swing of things!

    I need your inspiration. I'm so overwhelmed with one and one on the way! How do you do it?

  15. I was going to delete the Fringe from my play list, since I don't know when I'll find the time to watch it.But maybe I'll try and fit in a viewing.

  16. Mmm, coffee, autumn, snuggling close and the return of all the good shows. Pure awesome, all of it. Such a great list, and I'm glad that you are out of the funk.

  17. Great list! So glad premier week is here too :)

  18. I love thankful posts! But whining is OK, too. That's what we're here for.
    I hope you continue to stay out of the funk, and good luck with the house sale!

  19. I love snuggly kids, too. And alone time with the youngest!

    I can't wait to watch The Office tomorrow online! Good luck on Sunday; and try not to stress too much about it!

  20. Can I tell you how happy I am to hear that I am not the only one left in America watching ER. I am almost happy it is the last year since I think I have been watching since college, and all things must come to an end right?? Geesh!

    Great news about the house. Super excited for you all!

    I loved your Thirteen! I thought they were perfect. And hey don't worry about whining. Pretty sure you read my yucky post today! :)

  21. *drool* Now you've got me craving pumpkin spice flavored coffee!

    And you whine or vent any time you want. It's your blog and your outlet!

  22. It is okay to whine because selling a house is painful. Seriously. I fell down the stairs twice when we were selling our home. It is painful.

    But you are so delicious and sweet that only you would call yourself out on being crabby and whiny. I on the other hand would just continue to gripe until ears bled. That's the difference.

    One more thing to look forward too....It's Packer season BABY.

  23. I don't know if you've ever bought these, maybe you have -- you should go buy yourself a Wallflower from Bath & Body Works in the Pumpkin. It is truly amazing!

    Great list. although I feel so bad for you that you've hurt yourself so much recently!

    And...I REALLY hope my last comment didn't come across all snide and rude. I'm sorry if it did.

  24. I really wish they would schedule The Office after Grey's instead of at the same time. That way I could have a good laugh after I get done crying. Last night's episode of Grey's had me bawling my eyes out!

  25. Awesome list of thankfulness! We are too much alike, it's uncanny! Pumpkin Spice is my favorite!!! I'm a Ghost Hunters fan too. I was wanting to see Fringe. How many episodes did I miss?? Maybe I can catch up. Thank God for the DVR. I've been gone all week with my dad having surgery so I haven't seen any of my TV or been in the right frame of mind for it. Your house sounds promising!! If she loved it enough to bring her hubby back, that's a good sign!!

  26. Good to see you this morning. Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. Glad you can be running again. And, glad it is you and not me. I wish I were, but I am sooooo not a runner. I'll take the bottled version and just get on the treadmill and walk fast please :).

    Good luck with your house! He had ours for sell last year, but ended up renting it out instead.

    And... your post reminds me I need to cuddle more with my boys. They are growing right up and are getting a little less cuddly these days--well, they are cuddly, but don't want to be. You know what I mean.

    Happy fall and happy weekend!

  27. oooh, pumpkin spiced anything is my fav.! I'm glad you're feeling better and things are looking bright-- really, I think you're allowed to whinge on your own blog (mine to if you ever want to guest).
    The tv line up? I am crying on my keyboard. I...can't...see...Grey's....because the UK just started season FOUR. It's just wrong. So no, haven't seen the Fringe and probably won't until 2010. jealous jealous jealous. oh, happy for you. jealous jealous.

  28. good on ya, girlie. you have got the right antidote to whining. well done!

  29. I love the Maple tree. Great idea to list things to be thankful for.

  30. I hear you on the "funk" - seems like kind of a bloggy epidemic right now! This is a great list to help you get out of it.

    p.s. glad to see that someone else is still watching ER! : )

  31. We have lots of shows to watch on the DVR when we get home...I can't wait to see the Office!

  32. You know what? I read this post in my feeder days ago and thought to myself, "Kathryn never whines. What is she talking about?"

  33. New to your blog..just thought I would say hello!
    I love all the tv shows you listed, and I have that same mug! Too funny!
