Friday, June 20, 2008

Feeling Grateful

What a week it's been
Being able to enjoy
My life without pain
It was like magic
Saw the chiro on Monday
Not a migraine since
So much done this week
Visits with dad, errands, runs,
And of course the park
Life is fun again
I finally feel like me
The weight has lifted
Off to the cabin
For a weekend of play time
And family bonding
It seems that these days
I am so melancholy
Thinking of time gone
They're growing so fast
I study their every move
Their eyes, lips, and cheeks
Funny things they say
Their tricks, their play, their laughter
Make me spill with love
These precious people
Are mine for such a short time
I must make it count


  1. I'm so glad you are feeling better and also that you are taking some time to just hang out with the family. They do grow so very fast, but the smartest ones like you appreciate all those little details. And take cute pictures, too. :)

  2. Seems like it was just yesterday that my three kids were that small, that sweet and cuddly and now, here I am watching history repeat itself with the two little grandkids! They sure do grow up way, way too fast.
    Glad you were finally able to shake the headache though.

  3. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    Great haikus about your boys. I feel the same way about my children.

  4. Chriros can do awesome things for headaches! Glad you found a good one!

    And your 'ku and pics are great. Such great expressions!

  5. You write the best Haikus and this one was wonderful! Cute pictures too of your precious boys! Have a fun weekend at the cabin - see you soon - Kellan

  6. Wonderful post!

    Soak in every minute of those kids you can while at the cabin!

    Enjoy your family bonding, and so glad to hear the migranes are gone.

  7. I totally feel the same, how could I miss a moment!
    Makes me tear up when I think of my kids.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Glad you are feeling better - physically and emotionally...what a wonderful, beautiful post. The photos are gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Have a wonderful weekend at the cabin1

  9. You are a smart mama! I'm doing the same thing.

  10. So glad you're feeling better, I've been thinking of you. It's so nice to "talk" to someone who feels the same way about time. I get melancholy (the perfect word) too, when I think of how fast time is flying, and how quickly my children are growing up...and away. Trust me, as someone whose oldest is all grown up and gone, it goes faster than you think. Have a beautiful weekend.

  11. Cherish those little ones! They are precious! Happy Friday!

  12. Glad you're feeling healthy, my friend. I'm learning more and more that it isn't something we can take for granted, huh?

    Your boys are so, so precious. I'm with you on wanting to just soak it all in. I fear the day when I look back on these days & they're over.....

    Enjoy your weekend & your family.

    PS - Did you get this song off of "So You THink You Can Dance?" I thought about downloading it after I heard it there, and it makes me tear up just hearing it on your blog!!!

  13. so glad your migraines have stopped. enjoy making some memories at the cabin. sounds like a perfect place and time to do so.

  14. What a great way to capture the feelings of passing time. I can very much relate. :-)
    Lovely Haiku.

  15. Glad to hear you're feeling better! It's pretty amazing what a little adjustment can do.

    My kids are flying through stages and growing far too fast, too.

  16. Fun and no pain...I am so glad. And those adorable children!!

  17. I do the same thing with mine...desperately try to make every moment count.

    So glad you've found some relief from the migraines!

  18. Wonderful 'Ku! I feel the same way. Time is slipping by every so quickly.

  19. I'm so glad you've been pain free this week.
    Have a wonderful weekend with those 3 angels.

  20. Glad to hear the migranes are gone! Do you dabble in photography? your pictures are always so crisp and beautiful.

  21. Glad your headaches are better. Makes it easier to enjoy your munchkins!

  22. Glad your headaches are better. Makes it easier to enjoy your munchkins!

  23. So glad the headache is gone. I am with Steph, your boys have the best eyes!

  24. Thanks for the reminder that time with our children passes by way too quickly and we need to cherish it. Have a great weekend Kathryn - so happy you are feeling better! : )

  25. i'm so glad your headaches are gone!!
    and...time does go so fast! although my kids are still relatively young...they are growing so old, so fast!!! it's crazy! but, i grew old fast, too!
    have fun at your cabin!!

  26. Have a great time at the cabin. Glad things are going so well for you. They do seem to grow up so fast don't they?

  27. I love it.
    Your photos always make me smile! :)

  28. Yay for feeling better! I hope you have a great weekend at the cabin with those adorable, growing boys.

  29. That last line...ABSOLUTELY. I think of it all the time. Mine are older than yours, and yet, they were only born yesterday. How is it possible that one is almost a teenager now?!

    Enjoy your weekend at the cottage - migraine free! :)


  30. Enjoy that cabin and those 3 boys my friend. From one migraine wearer to another - what a relief they have subsided.

  31. Glad the chiropractor could work his/her magic!

    And those pictures of your boys made me smile... You can really see their individual personalities shine through in those pictures for some reason!

  32. glad you have found an answer.

    the kids are stinkin' cute, too!

  33. Boy, what is it today? I started off the day by writing a post about my youngest turning 5, and everytime I surf the comment wave to find new blogs, it's about the same thing. Must be on people's minds lately. Beautiful haiku, thanks for sharing. I love your blog pics, btw!

  34. I just had to leave a comment about your last post. I love your pictures and story! It's amazing to think that any of us survived our childhood, isn't it? I think back on all the things I was allowed to do, and it makes me scared to send my kids to my mother. It makes me worry that my children will eventually see me as inadequate and be afraid to send their kids to me!

  35. Have a great trip to the lake, K. I cannot say enough how adorable your boys are. And, I'm so glad the chiropractor got ride of your headaches!

  36. Oh're making me sad...I know they just grow so fast!

    Have fun at the lake, your boys are little cuties!

  37. Oh I'm so glad you're feeling better. I must see a chiro too soon.

    Your boys are so sweet! Indeed our time with them is so short. Very well said. Thank you for the reminder :)

    Have a wonderful weekend at the lake!

  38. Beautiful -- the poetry and the photos!

    Wonderful to hear of freedom from migraines, they sound awful.

  39. That was beautiful! Enjoy your relaxing weekend away with your family and take lots of pictures and video. They will come in handy when we are old and senile! :)

  40. So beautiful, Kath! I totally related to it all... Even the migraine bit -- only I did yoga to ease mine....Thank you for the very pleasurable read.... :)

  41. glad to learn you felt
    relief from your headaches and
    hope you remain well

    Great photos of those little QTs! Hope you enjoy the weekend away and create lots of special memories together.

    It’s taken just about all day, but I’ve managed to post Haiku on both of my blogs after making numerous changes to each and creating a third. Imagine that! Just call me obsessed and addicted ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  42. I love the chiropractor! And I love this haiku--it really made me think about what's most important...
    Have a great weekend!

  43. Hope you have a great weekend!

  44. Well. WAy to make a slightly intoxicated woman weepy. Appreciate it...

    Sweet haiku, and so, so true...

  45. So glad you have some pain relief. What a lovely post.

  46. Have a great time with your family!

  47. Glad to here your feeling better :)

    Its hard not to feel just the slightest bit sad at our children growing older, i feel such pride and such sadness just looking at both of them

  48. Glad you're feeling better. Kid's grow up so fast, don't they?

  49. So glad you're feeling better - mind and body.
    Your boys are lovely and you should cherish every moment!

  50. They are so beautiful...

    Glad your feeling better!

  51. glad you are feeling like yourself again

  52. You have your priorities straight, and I'm glad you'll be able to enjoy them headache free!

  53. I just want to bite your kids...they are so darned cute*!*

  54. The last verse really got me-

    These precious people
    Are mine for such a short time
    I must make it count

    I may just have to post this on my fridge.

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  55. I hope the weekend is just what you needed! :)

  56. Great post, your boys are adorable, I found your blog through Beck and Frog and Toad!

  57. Glad you're feeling better :)

  58. Wow Kathryn, you're getting good at these haikus. LOVE, love, LOVE the photos of your gorgeous boys!

  59. CUTE!!! And no head pain?? My husband needs to know these secrets!
