Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting Through

the storm continues
tumultuous waters roll
so loud I can't feel
it fogs up my head
can't think of anything else
it is always there
i'm grabbing onton tight
to the lifeline that was thrown
and praying for peace


  1. Peace will come! I am praying for you! :)

  2. Holding you in my prayers...and yes, that peace is on its way to see you!

    Sending happy thoughts!

  3. I pray to for peace to come to you.

  4. I hope peace finds you soon. *hugs*

  5. Beautiful picture to go with a beautiful haiku. You are all still in my thoughts, and I do hope that you find peace.

  6. Hang on Kathryn, I know it's a rollercoaster right now, but calmer skies will come!

    Hugs - Heidi

  7. I dread dealing with these things as my parents get older. I pray for peace for you also. Somehow, it will get easier. I hope you can have a good weekend.

  8. This too shall pass.

  9. I hope you get some calm soon. :(

  10. Calmer days will come... hold on! I hope you have a nice weekend. Thanks for the lovely haiku.

  11. great haiku... i pray for peace for you, too.

  12. hold on to the line with all your strength. there are many hands to pull you safely back in.

  13. Stay safe! But you know... that in spite of the storm, that is a wonderful photo! ~ jb///

  14. Oh thank GAWD you came along As *if* Madness doesnt have people lining up DAILY to smack the crap outta her. I'm LOVING your blog. I am oh so glad you commented on mine so's that Ive found yours. "Hi!" new bloggie friendie.

  15. Peace.
    It's so evasive, huh?

    I hope you find it soon.

  16. Beautiful, and the picture is amazing... it says so much.
    Peace is truly elusive but sometimes there, we just don't recognize it for what it is.
    Sending you lots of blessings and peaceful thoughts.

  17. i am sending giant, enormous hugs to you!!

  18. Thx for dropping by :) Great haiku to match a gorgeous pic! (no allergies there! :) )

  19. The picture is lovely and goes so well with the words. I hope things settle down for you.

    And a sidenote: I could sit and listen to this song all day. I love it so.

  20. holding you in prayer
    as you cope with all of life's
    challenges right now

    Happy belated birthday! How wonderful to hear Maya Angelou in person ... I'm jealous ;--)
    Do take care ...
    Hugs and blessings,

  21. Hold on. You have so much to hold on to...

  22. hoping you find the peace you need and deserve ...

  23. You poor soul......

    Between the music, the poem and the saddness I see in your heart, I have cried some tears for you too.

    God is good. Trust me...he's been there for me too. Just hold on to his hand tight and let him lead you.

    Just to let you know, Brittany and I are wanting to meet you sooo bad. Your our fav! I'm working on it. How far is Minneapolis for you. Maybe I'll start a fundraiser to buy a plane ticket for Brit to fly here!!!!

    Just remember, you have a friend here! I love my fellow Packer gal!
    I'm a phone call away and I would drive all the way there to see you.

  24. Sending many hugs your way Kathryn.

  25. That is a powerful poem, I am sending you solid storm surviving energy.

  26. Oh Kathryn, hope that things are going better.

    Know that you are still in my prayers.

    Hang in there. :-)

  27. I've been thinking about you, and your father lately. Truly hoping all is well.

  28. And from me (((HUGS))) too.

  29. I'm wishing you well, Kathryn.

  30. great haiku....i hope you get some calm soon

  31. Love to you & your family, Kathryn!

  32. you are still in my thoughts and prayers...

    I have something on my blog for You!!!

  33. I think of you often during my days, of the struggle you and your family are in right now and I pray that things will begin to level out -for you, for your Dad too.
    In my life now, my dear aunt found her peace a week ago today. And though my cousins, my children, grandchildren and I very much miss what she brought to our lives, we are also at peace with this too, knowing she is in a much better place now and having so many wonderful memories of her over the years she was part of our lives here. Sending you only the best wishes now in your search.

  34. Hello sweetie....I keep hoping that your days are better. Brittany and I agreed to Chicago for a meet. I'm hoping to cheer you up!

    Smile through your tears! Laugh through your heartache. Relish in the love that surrounds you......


  35. Hold on tight...and know you have lots of love and the real world and in the wonderful blog world that links us all.

    Lots of hugs.

    Beautifully raw and true. Thank you for sharing.

    God speed.

  36. Lots and lots of love and peace your way.

    What a gorgeous shot.

    K--you take care . . .
