Wednesday, May 14, 2008

WW-Getting Ready


  1. Where ya going? Somewhere fun it looks like, with the swimsuit and cute shoes all packed!! :)

  2. OH I am jealous! I want to go somewhere - anywhere! Have fun!

  3. Oh FUN! Love your shoes and handbag.

  4. Ooooooo, Florida for your birthday!!!

    How fun!

    Have a MUCH DESERVED, restful, relaxing time!!

    Can't wait to hear the details when you get back. :)

  5. Nice! Anyplace where the right attire includes a cute bikini is a place I want to be. I hope you get your hair braided while sipping foo-foo drinks, too!

  6. I'm jealous you can wear that bathing suit! ;-)
    Have a wonderful time!! Perfect WW.

  7. you can fit into that bikini and not hide in shame? after three children? girlfriend, color me jealous. and color me jealous that you pack such a hot looking dress, etc, when going on vacation. It's all I can do to get my husband out of his raggedy t-shirt.

  8. oh.... you are going on vacation!? (that is my whinning voice) lucky... and sad.... cause I am assuming that you aren't going to be blogging while on vacation :)

  9. Hey all!
    To all those who were wondering, we are going to the Keys on Friday.

    Rachel & Maypole- Yes, I packed that bikini. I think that is just me being optimistic. I'm not sure I'll actually wear it. I will most likely were the very practical tankini next to it. We'll see. ;)

  10. Where are we going my friend? WOOT! I'm so excited.

    Seriously, have the best of time you certainly deserve it given your past few weeks Kathryn.

  11. Is it time for the "surprise" (wink wink) Todd-planned trip already? Lemme guess? You might come back with a stowaway? With that Grrr bikini, it's possible.

  12. I am so jealous! And what sexy clothes. Have a wonderful time. Come back relaxed and refreshed.

  13. I am so jealous! And what sexy clothes. Have a wonderful time. Come back relaxed and refreshed.

  14. You're going somewhere that requires a swimsuit... turning a putrid colour of green as I type here.

  15. Ooooh...lucky you! Have a fantastic time!

  16. Oh my word! I wrote were instead of wear. Hell-O!!! Sorry. Anyway, I will probably WEAR the tankini.
    Whew! Had to clear that up. ;)

  17. Are the kiddos coming to or just you & the Hubby?

    Wouldn't be the best if it was you, Hubby, the kiddos & a nanny?!?!

    Have a BLAST! You so deserve a get-a-way!

  18. PS - Just read your take on David A's performance of this last song last night on AI....and now I can only think of him when I hear this song - ugh!

  19. Have a great trip! And remember to use the sunscreen! Happy WW!

  20. Yay for Florida! Kathryn, you so deserve this.

    WEAR the bikini proud, mama!!! Oh, and totally cute shoes . . .


    SAFE and FUN travels!

  21. FUN!!! :) Have a wonderful time!

  22. Take. Me. With. You! :)

    Love those shoe BTW. You are going to look so hot!

  23. I just got back from a great trip and I am so jealous - I want to go again!!!! You are so lucky!

    Have a good evening - see you - Kellan

  24. Are you going to have enough shoes?

  25. DUDE!!! I wanna get away too!!!!!!!!!! 1 month, 4 days until school is out. If you are getting away sans kids then I am even more jealous. The only time we've been away from our kids (for even 1 night) was when we travelled to Korea to bring out daughter home!

  26. Sure, go ahead and rub it in. FINE. Be that way.

    (Have fun!)

  27. Look at your fancy undies! Cute!

    You know, there's still some more room in there for, say, ME!!!

    Have fun!!

  28. JEALOUS!

    Have a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Wow. Have a great time in the Keys you fancy girl!

  30. Have a fantastic time!
    I have never been so let us know how it is.
