Tuesday, April 1, 2008

These Cookies Smell Funny

My Tommy sure is a sweet boy. A tender heart. Caring and kind. Always there to give a compliment and a hug. He is a charmer and a heart melter. A real schmoozer. But at the heart of it he is still such a boy.

Yesterday was a dark, cold, damp, and rainy day. I thought it would be a good idea to have the boys help me make some cookies to lighten everyone's mood. The boys helped me carry the flour, shortening, brown sugar, raisins, oatmeal and all the other ingredients from the pantry to the kitchen counter. Then, as I hauled out the big silver mixing bowl, Joey climbed up on the chair, Tommy hopped up on the counter, and Ben sat on the floor playing with the measuring cups that we weren't using.
Joey dumped in the brown sugar, and Tommy dumped in the white sugar. Joey got to pour the vanilla in the bowl, and Tommy sprinkled in the baking powder. Both of them got to sift in a cup of flour, and then they took turns stirring. When all the ingredients were mixed together in the bowl I gave the boys a pile of raisins to munch while I plopped big spoonfuls of the cookie dough onto the baking sheets.
Just as I was finishing up the last sheet, Tommy, with his butt still on the counter right next to the baking sheets, let out a loud, rumbling fart. After all of my baking etiquette reminders to turn your head if you have to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth in the crook of your arm, wash your hands, I never thought I would have to tell the boys not to fart on the counter when the cookies are mere inches away. Now, why hadn't I thought of that? Living in a house of all boys I should have known that it would come up eventually.
I looked up at him and said, "Thomas John! What do you say?"
Without looking up from his raisins he answered, "Scuse me."
"That was icky, Tommy. Sit your butt on the stool, please." I scolded.
Tommy slid off the counter onto the stool, continued to eat his raisins, and said, "Sawry I fahted on ohs cookies, mom."


  1. What a cute story!! Boys - they just live in their own little worlds. So cute!

    Have a good day Kathryn - see you soon. Kellan

    Send me over some of those stinky cookies!

  2. Lol! The things your boys do seem oh-so-familiar to me! I can almost guarantee at least one of my boys has pulled that one too. Or at least something similar! Ha,ha! Oh the things they do...and say! Too cute! =)

  3. *snort* That's HI-larious! Hope the cookies were still good.

  4. Haha! Cute story. I'll bet the cookies were just fine.

  5. Funny story! I guess even the sweetest of boys are still made of slugs and snails and puppy dog tails. Heehee.

  6. A cookie is not a cookie unless it's made with...fahts? That's not how I remember the pillsbury commercials...
    What a nice mom you are, making cookies instead of letting the day get you down.

  7. At least all of the fart germs were baked off of them!

  8. Gas will pass but with boys in
    the house, you'll never stop hearing their fahts, here and
    there and every where. Oh well
    same for girls too! I tried
    being creative! Have a good day!

  9. And who was the lucky recipient of the Fart Cookies?

    So cute!

  10. OMG classic. This one needs to go in a book. Seriously. Call Chicken Soup for the Soul or Parents Magazine...Classic.

  11. ha ha ha ha ha! that's a story for his future bride! :)

  12. I could SO see that happening here! Great story.

  13. Nice! Boys WILL be boys! Hey, free good help is hard to find! :)

  14. Ha! And I bet they ate the cookies happily anyway :)


  15. LOL - that is hilarious...we try to cover all the basis...but boys, well, they always find a new way to, um, amaze us...ya, amaze us!

    thanks for sharing

  16. What a funny story! Boys are something else ;)

  17. LOL!!! that's priceless. the things we never imagined, eh?

  18. This is such a cute story!

    Little boys are so much fun. My little guy is only 1, so I'm looking forward to moments like this in the future!

  19. Oh, that was good! I really needed a laugh today. Sorry that it had to come at your cookie expense though.

    Such cute smiles on your little ones! :-)

  20. That is too funny! Those boys are certainly cute. My oldest son 5 just got a shirt that says..."Gave Gas Toot in a Jar!"

  21. That is probably the funniest thing I have read today!

  22. now my question is, did tommy eat the cookies he "marked" :)

  23. Drat. I lost my internet connection & the commenter above beat me to it! I wanted to know if he ate them.

    Isn't it fun to be in a house filled with testosterone??

  24. That is hysterical! Ahh, the joys of a house full of boys.

  25. that is too, too funny! Make sure to tell his future girlfriends about that one :)

  26. Eeeee! That's hilarious! And, LOOK AT THEM! there's sooooo ridiculously adorable!

  27. How could anyone ever get upset with those gorgeous faces?
    That is hysterical and frightening. What I have to look forward to?!!
    I thought naked diaper wrestling in Target was bad. Yikes.

  28. They mighta smelled funny, but how'd they taste? : )

  29. That post had me doubled over with laughter! I SO GET IT!

  30. "Fahted"- ROFL!!! Ah boys, it's their secret ingredient ;)

  31. I have girls that think it is funny to "TOOT". That is hilarious.

  32. Growing up with boys - alway a thrill.
    Thanks for sharing.

  33. Awe--his own special ingredient. How'd they taste?

    I just love boys . . .

  34. hehehehehe did the cookies benefit from the extra gas???

    cheers kim

    (ps.I came over her from Ree's)

  35. LOL... how funny. I love listening to toddlerish. So cute the way the speak.

  36. OMGoodness ... how cute! I love the pics :)

  37. This is SUCH a story to tell girlfriends someday! So cute!

  38. Wait. Farting on the cookies is wrong? I so didn't get that memo.

  39. Oh my goodness....that boy is after my heart! I love him!!!

    That was the funniest story! Thanks for the terrific laugh!!!

  40. It's like I live in your house. My Ben is all about the farting lately. Grrrr-eat!! It's just like growing up all over again (I have 3 older brothers) where fart jokes NEVER got tired...

  41. Too Much! LOL! I love it! We've had our share of farts around here, but I will share with Harrison where NOT to pass-the-gas!

  42. trust me when i tell you, it's not just boys that fart!
    hilarious story!! i was going to ask you for a cookie but, i think i'll pass...no offense!

  43. You know how you add a little love to all the things you make for your family? Well, his might take a slightly different form:) How funny!

  44. Wow - so now I see what I have to look forward to with my own son. Lovely :-)
    But those cookies look delish - post the recipe!

  45. This is so funny. What cute kids and Smileyes is right, the cookies look delicious.

  46. How on earth did I miss this post? HILARIOUS!

  47. This sounds like something my Small One would do. Thanks for the Saturday morning giggle. Nice to see a fellow humorist @ TRDC!

  48. As a mommy of two boys I can appreciate this! Thanks for the smile.

  49. Classic! So, did that add any special flavoring to those cookies???
