Wednesday, March 5, 2008

WW- Mending a Broken Heart


  1. Yes. A BOX of cookies and a Captain and Coke. No, not the whole bottle. Just one Captain and Coke. A toast, if you will.

    I don't have a drinking problem. Just a cookie problem.

  2. To next year's cookie season!

    In the meantime, keep your eyes out for Edy's Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream at the grocery store. That'll get you through.

  3. Here's to Farve! I'll raise a glass tonight.

  4. You drink my share. Rum, ewww.

  5. Nice! You know how to approach a situation. I like that about you ;)

  6. Why the broken heart?? Because you ran out of cookies? :)


    PS: Checking in from France - bad internet connection, so I'll catch up with you next week :)

  7. Heidi- Hehe. Although the fact that I'm out of my fav cookies is a little depressing.
    I'm mending my broken heart over Brett Favre retiring from the Packers.
    I know. I'll say it. I'm a big nerd.

  8. Love the DIET coke after a box of cookies. Perfect touch. :)

  9. HA! Great snack. Did it work? Feel better??

  10. Just Jamie- I know diet Coke fixes the box of cookies. hehe It was caffiene free too. ;)
    head gaggler- It did help a bit. Thanks for asking. I do feel better today. :)

  11. sorry for your loss. At least you're in good company with those ;)

  12. Personally, I'd take cookies over booze any day .. as for football .. well, even Husband who is a diehard Giants fan said Brett was a star!

  13. Captain & Coca Cola my old
    favorite in the olden days.
    We'll miss Brett too! He
    was such a die-hard kind of
    player until the end of his
    Yeh, at least Ally tells me
    about the boyfriend - I met
    him yesterday, he's in 7th
    grade and is a huge Packer
    Fan. Sits with her at lunch.
    What can D. do? I'd rather
    her tell me than hiding things,
    because we know she's growing
    up.... But hopefully not to

  14. Oh, crying in your rum instead of your beer... I love your sense of humor and I love the cookies too!

  15. I'd love to join you for a cookie and some Captain Morgan!

  16. I'm drinking with you my friend....
    Except mine isn't caffenine free diet coke and I'm doing bicardi.

    I love me my Brett! But Rodgers is looking pretty good!!!!

    Maybe Brett will coach him!

  17. Your poor broken heart! That looks like just the medicine! I've got to find myself a girl scout and get some cookies for myself.

  18. A bit of good medicine always helps! Or is that good chocolate? I haven't gotten any girl scout cookies yet...

  19. my favorite girl scout cookies!!
    i'm sooooo coming over to wallow in mid winter depression with you!! i'll bring more get the diet coke and capt. morgans ready!!

  20. I think both of those are highly appropriate, but I think I already told you that! And, only one? If I lost the symbol of any of my teams? I'd still be slinging them back. Do you need a new box of samoas? I have one if you want them!

  21. Aww. You are all so sweet to me. Thanks for all the shoulders to cry on. :)
    krissy- yeah, Aaron Rodgers might do okay if he can actually play one whole game without getting injured.
    All right, that settles it. Party at my house! Everyone is invited! Melissa is bringing the cookies! I'll supply the liquor. Who else is in?

  22. Looks like a good way to start the healing...

  23. Ah, I'm sorry sweetie - but, pass me that box of Samoas! I love those cookies and have eater WAAAAAYYYYYYY too many of them over the past 3 weeks - LOVE UM! Take care - Kellan

  24. those cookies ARE so good!


  25. They won't mend your broken heart but they'll make sitting in the sharp pieces a little bit more comfortable.

  26. C'mon! Bret will still be around! In...Sensodyne commercials and stuff.


  27. Brett would be proud, knowing you you toasted his leaving with a Capt and Coke. ;)

  28. I think it's going to take more than a bunch of Girl Scouts and a Captain to make up for Brett retiring. It's not going to be "The Packers" without him.

  29. And this is exactly what I did when Craig Biggio retired. Except it was tequila, lots and lots of tequila.

  30. Ohh, I love samoas. Tagalongs, too. I was so happy my friend got them in early this year so that I could have some before my surgery! hee hee It's a sickness.

  31. Even your songs today are sad...........

    Hang in there, someone like Farve will not be forgotten. What a great role model is was for so many years for the kiddos.

    Feel free to eat more cookies. Chocolate totally helps me *medicate*.

  32. Sorry about Farve...
    Now that's the way to mend a broken heart -or a nice bout of PMS. (Did I type that??) Only I eat thin mints and use regular Coke. (Hubby came home last week with a case of Coke and announced it could only be used for Rum & Coke - and, no, we're not big drinkers around here either. That's what made it even funnier.)

    Mmm, I think I'll get some cookies and Capt & Coke now...

  33. My girl scout cookies just arrived tonight.....caramel delights, here I come :)

  34. You had me right up until the Diet Coke part. Enjoy!

  35. THAT is my kind of therapy!

  36. That looks SO GOOD right now. Even if it is only 10:30am.

  37. HA! Sadness and depression for me = A beer and Pork Rinds. Yup, cures what ails ya.
