Friday, March 7, 2008


It has been the worst
The winter that never ends
Record temps and snow
But we're almost there
It's only a few more weeks
Until Salvation
Spring is coming soon
Grass will sprout and leaves will grow
Sun will shine again
Oh how wonderful
To take a walk to the park
And swing in the breeze
Spring, won't you hurry?
Breath life into us once more
Let us feel your warmth


  1. Nice flowers!

    And spring will come soon, I promise! Hang in there. You can lauge at me as much as you want in August. :)

    Oh, and I'm truly sorry to hear about Brett. I felt the same way when Craig Biggio retired (baseball, Astros).

  2. I know you are ready, my friend!! I wish you lived in Texas - you'd be happy and I'd be happy with you here too!! Have a good Friday -see you soon. Kellan

  3. spring is coming. i remember what it felt like for winter to drag and drag. and when it would snow in april and may and even june...

    yeah for flowers!!

  4. I hope you feel cheery soon! For us in the Pacific Northwest, it's not the snow that can get one down, but gray skies, day after day after day, with a constant little drizzle. The year I first moved to Washington State, I think it rained the entire month of JUNE! Can you believe it?

  5. Spring. Yes. I'm ready, too!

  6. Ahhh, red tulips. I see we're thinking the same way today. Gorgeous!

  7. Spring is nearly here. Thank God!

  8. I hear you...We just now have the tiniest blades coming up of what I think are the daffodils, but we have snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Sigh.

  9. It's been nice here in the south, but I feel for my northern family and friends. A few more weeks; hang in there!

  10. favorite!!
    i just did a haiku about the same thing...i can't stand winter anymore!! it's awful!!

  11. I am sorry you have been covered in cold wet snow for so long. Hopefully there will be sun and color very soon!

  12. Those are lovely tulips and your Haiku is delightful as well. I hope Spring comes soon for all of you out there still in the midst of a long winter!
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. You and I are so much alike it's scary! I have a big red heart on my calendar for the first day of spring! I need spring! I need summer! I need to move to Florida!

    you always keep me smiling! Thanks for being such a sweet bloggy friend. The crazy thing is we really don't live that far away so when I come this fall to watch the Pack game again.....I am calling your butt!!!!

    I'm not a don't freak! LOL!

  14. I love tulips! Hang in there; spring's around the corner!

  15. Amen sister! Bring on SPRING!!!

  16. snow here too, never seems to stop! can't wait for spring! great ku!

  17. Ahhh love the poem. I hope it's true! I am SO sick of this weather. It is snowing here, as we speak... Apparently we are to be snowed in this weekend. GREAT!

  18. Soon, soon, soon! I have buds on my daffodils (and I am North of DC)!

  19. I think all of us in cold weather were on the same page today! I Ku'd about this too :) Hope warm winds come our way soon!

  20. I know how looney two days of yuck has made me, so I feel just such empathy and sympathy and EVERYTHING about you and the boys. It's coming. I promise. It has to, right?

  21. Blogger just ate my last comment, grrrr. Anyway, I'm ready for spring too.

  22. Have a good weekend Kathryn - and, thanks for coming by and thanks for your prayers for our sweet baby. Take care and I'll see you soon. Kellan

  23. I agree! Winter is too long this year.

    A fellow WI-ite

  24. Lovely Haiku, Kathryn! I've been praying for spring. Apparently God has other plans(priorities other than my warmth), though.. lol Hugs!

  25. Is this your photo? This is lovely! Blow it up and hang it over all of your windows.
    Wishing you warmth....

  26. I am sooo ready for summer. Dinners out on the deck, camping, outdoor tennis, ohhh I can't wait!

  27. Great post - I feel exactly the same way.

  28. I'm feeling the exact same way! I can't wait any longer for spring to arrive!

  29. I watched Brett Favre's press conference & thought of you. He seriously is a complete class act :)
    Spring is around the corner my friend. Hang in there!

  30. i have an idea...go to a tanning booth!! maybe the light and warmth from that will cheer you up!! i've been considering doing that today!! i think you and i have the same depression!! it's awful!!
    i know though, mine is due to the winter...and it will get better!!
    hang in there, honey!! only a few weeks left of this crap!!

  31. I feel your pain, honey! Great 'ku!

  32. All i can say is ME TOO 100%

  33. Hi Kathryn - Thanks so much for coming by today and leaving the link - I really appreciate it. And, thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our sweet baby - he is hanging in there.

    I hope you are having a good weekend - I know you have been down - I hope you are happy this weekend. Take care and I'll see you later. Kellan

  34. you and me both sister. Monday we were in shorts, today we have snow out the wazzoo. Sigh.

  35. just checking in on you to see how you're doing!!
    hope you're feeling better!

  36. I hope you're right and spring really is just a few weeks away. I can't wait much longer!

  37. it's nearly here...

    and you've inspired a little limerick over at my blog

  38. Hang in there, Kathryn. Have been hearing reports about the crazy winter this year in North America. Hoping for an early spring for you yet!


  39. Dang girl! 42 comments... you are having a party over here.

    Spring will come... I know it will... it will... right? :)

