Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Yet Another School Snow Day


  1. Ain't they sweet!!! Here's to hoping you can keep them busy all day and that tomorrow the weather will clear up a bit!

  2. Yeah, we've had more than our normal share of those this winter, too.

  3. another one! Poor you. I'm sure they're loving it, though.

  4. The weather is horrible outside. I just added the top pic as evidence. AND, hubby had to get up at 5 A.M. to drive his mom 50 miles to the hospital for surgery on her hand. Please say a little prayer that they get back safely.
    Thank you!

  5. Your boys are adorable! Seriously, little hot shots!

    Okay, I know I shouldn't be laughing about your comment to my blog (about hitting and killing the dog) but I can't help it! I think what made me laugh the most is that you still have nightmares!

    I'm sending some linky love your way sweetheart!

  6. Ewww to the snow and a huge AWWWW to the boys.

  7. Hey pal, how sick are you of this white powder! UGGGH. And it looks like it will snow all week. again!

    Beautiful shot though - enjoy that snow day (again) with those 3 cute boys!

  8. We don't have any snow in TX yet lol.
    Lovely kids!

  9. Outside looks so beautiful...and inside looks cozy and fun. :)

  10. Look at those beautiful boys! Enjoy your snow day...

  11. I will keep your Hubby and MIL in my prayers today. Sick of snow yet? Looks like the kids are having a blast! Have a good day.

  12. Thanks for visiting my page! I just had to come see your three boys. Its a challenge, huh? Love your shots.. I have almost NO pictures of all mine in the same place at the same time, looking at the camera.

    Your snowy picture made me laugh out loud (no, not because I left Ohio for sunny San Diego) because the very first thing I saw when I looked at it was Groucho Marx popping up in the bottom left corner! Check it out!

  13. We have a snow day too. I just sent my troops outside with daddy while he snow blows the driveway. Happy WW, your buys are cute!

  14. I don't know if I've ever seen been in so much snow that it covers the window the way it does in that top pic. Your boys look like they're having lots of fun.

  15. Aww - I just love that last picture - definitely a keeper.

  16. So cute!

    But oh how I think of you and cabin fever!

    Yesterday we were out in shorts and t-shirts. I even sweated. It's tough because I know four more months at most and our cabin fever time will be upon us.

  17. Those little boy are soooooo cute! :-)

    Happy WW!

    My Wordless Wednesday #12

  18. Another snow day?

    We haven't even been sleeding this year. Send some snow overe here in Ohio.

  19. Oh what fun! That first shot looks like the front of a Christmas card :) ....beauitful!

  20. such cuites, looks like they are having fun.

  21. How fun! I wish we were getting snow instead of rain. OY!

    Happy WW


  22. The snow is beautiful and it looks like the boys are having fun.

  23. Cool picture of the snow!! Adorable pictures of your sweet boys! Have a good afternoon Kathryn - keep warm. Kellan

  24. Wow! Look at that snow!! Looks like the boys had fun at least.

  25. Nothing like a tent to keep kids happy and busy. For a while, anyway.

  26. What cute boys you have! :) I don't even remember what snow looks like!

  27. snow snow snow!! ah!

    I love the little tent! Adam would have a blast with that! :)

  28. we're having a storm here, too! i'm hoping it clears up early enough, so the salt trucks can come and get the streets ready for tomorrow...NO snow day...NO SNOW DAY!!!

  29. At least they are still entertained indoors K. Where are the shots with the ashes? Mine went NUTS..."NOOOO!! Get it off! I'm DIRTY!"

  30. Look at those sweet little faces! I'll bet they are loving this!!!

  31. Darling pictures! Your outside picture looks a lot like what I see outside my window right now!

  32. They are just so adorable, your boys! Good job getting them all in that tent, lying down at the same time!!

    Heidi :)

  33. What great photos!!!!

    Smiles and snowflakes!
