Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Yet another pic of Lake Michigan. These surfers were out on a day when it did not get over 48 degrees Fahrenheit. The city I live in is known to be one of the best for fresh water surfing in the world. I told you, I'm obsessed with Lake Michigan.


  1. I've never understood people's desire to be in the water when it is that cold. Great picture.

  2. i would not be able to stand it. i hate being cold. cold and wet together, ugh.

  3. I've never been...but your pictures are piqueing my interest. And we are not too far away once we are back in Toronto. Maybe I'll grab the boys and go next summer. How's the waterskiing??


  4. Yes, I hate being cold too. Even when it is really hot outside I have a hard time with the really cold Lake Michigan, although not many other people seem to mind.
    Heidi- I've never seen anyone water ski on LM before because even on a calm day the waves are 1-3 feet. I have seen a bunch of windsurfing (even tried it-so fun!) and surfing with the big parachute (what is that called again?). And we also have a big charter boat industry here that takes people out fishing. We have TONS of small lakes in the area for water skiing around here, however.
    Sheesh, I should work for our tourist dept. or something. ;)

  5. Nope - no cold water for me!!! But, I love the picture. See ya.

  6. when I lived in Los Angeles I loved to go and watch the surfers

  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again:

    I miss Lake Michigan!!!!!
