always get meeeee down. Ah, the Carpenters.
It is a rainy icky day for the third day in a row, and the boys are getting antsy. There is only so much havoc they can reek inside the house. They need to get outside. I've tried to make the days as fun as possible, baking cookies together, making forts out of blankets, reading books, and watching favorite movies, but there is only so much I can do. The weather is making them cranky, and in turn I get cranky.
It doesn't help that our basement bathroom remodel is STILL going on. We are just getting the walls up now. ??? AH! So frustrating. The basement is a total disaster zone, and the whole house is covered in dust. I just can't wait until this is over and I can have my house back.
On top of that poor little Ben still has his cold. It is really just a runny/stuffy nose, but it is enough to bother him and give him a hard time sleeping. I just hope it doesn't turn into an ear infection. Poor little poopsie. I just wish the little feller could blow his nose. Is there anything more disgusting than the booger squeezer? Ok, that is not the actual name, I do realize, but you know what I mean. Those green bulb suctioner thingies they give you at the hospital? You know, right? So awful. You stick the pointy end into his little nosey and it sounds like you are sucking his brains out. The poor little sweetie gags and coughs, but really tries to be so pleasant. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must feel. Such a trooper. I just really want him to feel better now.
Ok, you have listened to me ramble and complain long enough. Now it is your turn. What is your gripe today?
I hate when babies are sick. NO FUN AT ALL. My little guy seems to have finally kicked his cold. But no worries. I'm sure his brothers will bring him home a new one from school soon enough!