Saturday, March 28, 2015

Good Things

-Getting an email from Joey's math/science teacher telling me what a joy he is to have in her class. " Good Morning- I just wanted to let you know what a grateful and appreciative young man Joey is. He often expresses his appreciation out loud for being able to attend our school and says how happy he is to be here. Today on the way back from reconciliation he had the most remarkable things to say. What a joy it is to me to have him in my class!" Makes this mama want to cry.

-This post. It really made me laugh because I've been feeling the same way lately. "Who is this woman staring back at me from the mirror?"

-Which leads me to this video. It really hit me how damaging internal dialogue can be.

-The weather is definitely warming up. I am getting so excited!!!

-Spring break. No school. 'Nuff said.

-There are some super funny memes that just make me laugh my butt off. Here are a few:

Yep. This is me lately.

Been there, done that.

I really want to do this. 

This is my dog except she lies right on top of me and spreads out.

Yes. Exactly. 

I swear this is me and it's why my kids are good in stores and restaurants. 


I love this picture SO MUCH. That's the Jesus I know.

Perfectly stated and shown. 

Yeah, Wisconsin!

A cute one with Easter coming up.

This. Just This:

If you dunk the ball so hard that it goes in twice you should automatically win the game. Or at least get double the points. So good. Go, Badgers!!!!!

- Going to Kohl's in hope of finding a nice spring dress to wear for Easter and to Ben's 1st Communion coming up and finding so many great fitting, pretty, flattering outfits that I have a hard time choosing. Normally I go to the store, try on a dozen dresses, all the while cursing the latest "style" and cut of dress and leave the store feeling horrible and frustrated. I am LOVING the latest styles and they are all very flattering cuts. I must admit that I left the store with far more dresses than I had intended.  Oops.

-Also at the store I had a mini panic attack in the dressing room as I was trying to get a dress over my head (not realizing there was a zipper that needed to be unzipped in order to get it on) and I got stuck with my arms straight up over my head. The dress was stuck over my face, elbows, shoulders, and chest and I literally could not move my upper body. I started to panic because I didn't have a shopping buddy with me and I had no one to help, AND I was in a hurry to go pick Grace up from school. I couldn't breathe and I was just about to open the door and go screaming for help from the dressing room in my underwear, dress still affixed over my head and arms in the air, until I realized I wouldn't be able to bend enough to open the dressing room door. That probably turned out to be a good thing, don't ya think? I was seriously concerned I was going to pass out. Finally, I was able to force myself to calm down and somehow inched my head and shoulders out enough to move my arms a bit. I wish that would have been caught on camera. I can just imagine. It wasn't really funny at the time but now every time I think about it I get a good laugh. Good stuff.

-Lately the boys have been fighting over who gets to take Molly for a walk. I think it makes them feel grown up to take off on their own for a little while. Molly is such a good dog to walk and I am confident they are safe walking her in our neighborhood. It is a win/win for everyone. I think Ben enjoys it the most because he really feels like a big kid. He wants to walk her all the time.

So, tell me. What's on your "Good Things" list today?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Work hard.
Do your best.

Work hard. 
Do your best.

Work hard.
Do your best.

I bet we sound like a broken record to our kids. Work hard. Do your best. This has been our mantra to our kids over the years. They've heard us say it thousands of times. We repeat it over and over again in our motivational speeches regarding homework, sports, plays, and even chores. 

For Joey, this year has been all about working hard and doing his best. Sixth grade has been extremely demanding for Joey. The academics have been very challenging and he has met the challenge with hard work and has succeeded. Add to that his extra curricular activities and basketball and having a lead in the musical and the kid has really had to be on his game. 

Last year, Joey's first year playing on a basketball team, was a real year of growth. He went from being very timid on the floor and not really wanting the ball, to being a good defensive player and knowing the plays. Last year the coach named Joey the Most Improved Player. 

Still, basketball does not come naturally for Joey. He works hard at it. There are some kids who are just naturally coordinated, athletic, and fluid in all their movements but Joey has to put in extra effort to make it all work together. When he began this season we could see just how much he had grown from the year before. Joey was the team's best defensive player this year. Whoever was the best shooter, or the biggest guy, on the opposing team that was who Joey was defending. Joey led his team in steals. 
He became much more confident dribbling and put up much needed points at critical moments. He had some great shots out by the three point line that surprised even him. Joey had become a confident starter for his team.
Joey was also a leader on the team. He knew where every player should be at what point and was often shouting out directions to his teammates. At times I was worried that he was too bossy but it turns out his teammates appreciated his help.
Joey's team had a couple of naturally gifted athletes, and really good players, and though Joey was not the most skilled player on the team he made his presence known and was imperative in helping his team win. They even took 2nd place in the last tournament they were in.
Last night was the athletic banquet at Joey's school. Joey's basketball coach handed out three awards that the team had voted on: Most Improved player, the MVP, and the Best Overall player. The kids voted appropriately and the awards went to the right players and Joey was happy for his friends when they received their trophies. 

But the coach wasn't done. He said that he and the Assistant Coach thought that there was one more player that needed to be recognized. He went on to say that this player showed up for practice ready to go, was a leader on the team, always worked hard, had a great attitude, and was helpful to all his teammates. This player was a leader on the court, both in his solid performances, great defense, putting up needed points, and in his relationship with his teammates. The coach reiterated that it was a real pleasure watching this player and it was great to have him on the team. Then the coach called Joey's name and handed him his trophy for the Coach's Award. 
It was all this mama could do to keep from crying. I knew just how much that trophy meant to my boy and I knew he wasn't expecting it. I was so happy for Joey to see that his hard work and dedication was recognized.  It was validation.
Immediately after the coach's speech Joey came running over to me, his face flushed with pride, hugged me and buried his face in my shoulder. "My very first trophy that I earned all on my own." Joey whispered to me.

Joey carried that trophy around for the rest of the night. I swear he would have slept with it if he wasn't so concerned about it breaking. This morning at the breakfast table the trophy sat next to him as he ate. When I walked into the room and saw him beaming at his trophy he looked up at me and said, "I'm just so happy. So proud of myself."


You don't always have to be the best, but if you work hard and you do your best you will be a success.

Well done, Joey.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Kicking It Old School

Hey, look at me! I'm doing it! I'm kicking it old school bloggy style, y'all! It has been a while since I've done this and I've been meaning to join in, so here I go!

If you could be on a reality tv show which one would you choose?
I am a reality show buff. None of the Housewives shows or any other crazy show where people just fight and act like idiots, but shows like Survivor, American Idol, The Bachelor (yes, I am embarrassed by this one), Dancing with the Stars (when there are actually people I like to watch- not this season), House Hunters, Top Chef, Project Runway, and the Amazing Race. I love that stuff. My friends used to try to get me to audition for American Idol but that never appealed to me and now I'm too old. HA! I would LOVE to be on Dancing with the Stars but alas I am not a star. I am super competitive so I think it would be a toss up between Survivor and The Amazing Race. My husband and I often said how much we would love to go on The Amazing Race together. So good. But ultimately I would love to be on Survivor. I would love to push myself and test my limits and play a game that I have been watching for close to two decades. It would be AWESOME.

Name one thing you have saved from your childhood. 
I have kept many things from my childhood. I have old journals, books, stuffed animals, a rosary, a statue of Mary, toys, all kinds of stuff. A little while ago my kids went over to my mom's house and came home with a ton of my old toys. Now I have an old school play telephone, Lincoln Logs, MORE legos, an old Fisher Price dollhouse, and more stuffed animals sitting around my house. Oh dear. I think the one thing that was always with me even before I had kids was my penguin stuffed animal that I got for Christmas when I was little. I love that little guy. It is currently sitting in Joey's room. The kids love him too.

If your life had a theme song which one would it be?
Ha! It would probably change all the time. I have a few songs that I have sung to the kids since they were tiny (Baby Mine) and they consider that their song. Right now Count on Me (Bruno Mars) always makes me teary when I hear it on the radio and the kids know that is kind of our family song. However, lately our lives have been crazy busy and the kids are driving me a little cuckoo so I think my current song is Lose My Mind (DMX).


Where is your happy place?
Somewhere realistic? My bed. Seriously.  I love my bed. Even when I'm not sleeping I just love sitting in my bed and reading. I just love my bed and my bedroom. It is so peaceful. It makes me happy.

Somewhere unrealistic? A beach. A nice, hot, tropical beach where I don't have to do much of anything but lie there and relax, preferably with a drink in my hand. And then when I get too warm I can just go jump in the ocean and then go back to the beach and lie there some more. Ahhhh. The beach.
(Mexico, baby!)

What is the one thing about your home that you and your spouse disagree on?
Probably just stuff. I am always wanting to declutter and get rid of stuff and Todd likes toys. He is constantly looking at the next "thing". I find it all very annoying but it is a very man thing. Boys and their toys, and all that. It doesn't help that we have four kids who all have too much stuff too. It just seems like I am always surrounded by stuff and I am a minimalist so it annoys.
Other than that, Todd and I agree on most things "house" related. We have similar tastes in furniture (although he insists on having two recliners in front of the tv instead of a nice couch we could all snuggle on) and styles and such.

What is your favorite fruit?
I love fruit. I mean LOVE. But, my favorite fruit, by far, is Bing Cherries. LOVE. I can't get enough. When summer rolls around that is basically all I'm eating. But, I do love all summer fruit. Watermelon, nectarines, honeydew, pineapple, peaches. Love them all, but cherries win.

Bowtie or regular tie?
This question made me go:

I guess I agree with Elaine. Little boys look cute in bow ties but mostly I prefer ties on men. Unless it is wedding day and then a bow tie looks nice. But I really think a white dress shirt, with no tie or bow tie, just a couple buttons open, is the sexiest. Yowsa.

Mexican or Italian food?
Umm... both? Seriously. Both. I love Italian and Mexican food. I crave both on a regular basis. And our city has three outstanding (one of them an award winner) Italian restaurants and an amazing Mexican restaurant too. That means trouble for me. Mmm. Now I'm hungry.

Where do you want to go on summer vacation?
Seriously? Did you not hear me before? The BEACH! It is my happy place. Luckily, we have lots of nice beaches around here. Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. Last year it barely got hot enough to enjoy the beach at all. I hope we have a scorcher this year.
Ok. That isn't really a vacation. Umm... we had a blast when we went to Chicago with the kids. I think we'd like to do that again. It is close and easy.
Spring break is quickly approaching and we are taking our very first BIG spring break with the kids. Todd's mom has rented a condo down in Florida for the winter and we are driving (heaven help us) down there to visit her. Of course we are making all the required stops (Disney, Legoland, Universal) and since we get to stay with grandma it is going to be super special (not to mention economical). We are all very excited about it. So, since we are doing it big on spring break I think any summer vacation would be something small.

What are your go-to shoes in your closet?
I wear my white Keds often. They are comfy and go with everything. I wear running shoes when I am playing with the kids or working outside. In summer I pretty much live in sandals (or bare feet) and ballet flats. When I go out with Todd (when was the last time that happened?) I like to rock some fun heels. These are one of my favs:
They look super cute with a pair of skinny jeans.

Yeah! That was fun! Anyone else want to join in? Hurry up! You only have a few more days!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Big One

Today was a much anticipated big day.

Today was Tommy's birthday.

Normally, birthdays are pretty fun around here, but this one was extra special. Not only was it Tommy's birthday, but it was Tommy's 10th birthday and he was having a party. And not just any party, but a birthday party at the local indoor waterpark.

As I said, today was a big day.

It started out bright and early, of course. Tommy was never known for being a good sleeper and on such an exciting day the kid just couldn't stay in bed. Since we were all up early we thought we'd get a jump on the festivities and open a few presents.
Tommy was pleased. It was a lovely way to start the day.

Before we knew it a few hours had passed and it was time to go to the party. This was Tommy's first big birthday party (other than his 1st birthday, I suppose) and he decided that instead of inviting his whole class he just wanted to invite a few of his closest friends. It was such a great group of kids. They are all so sweet and got along so well. It was so much fun.
The kids swam and played, slid down the slides, body surfed, played basketball, and wore each other out. We took a little break for lunch, cake, and presents, and then it was right back out into the water for more fun.
It was four hours of swimming, partying fun. By the time it was over I think we were all pretty exhausted. 

Still, the birthday fun was not done. Seeing as how this mama was worn out and didn't want to cook, and Tommy wanted to get a birthday t-shirt from his favorite restaurant like all his siblings did on their birthdays, we decided to go out to eat. Let's hear it for buffet restaurants and no dishes!

Yes, it was a very exciting day. A big day. It's not every day you turn 10, you know. 

My dear Tommy. I am so proud to be your mama. You are such a good and kind boy. You always want to make people happy, and are always concerned about other people's feelings. You are a hard worker and I have no doubt that whatever you want to do in life you will be successful. Once you put your mind to it there is no stopping you. You are a natural charmer. Charismatic. You are dramatic, stubborn, and silly. You have a heart of gold. My darling, goldensbear. A boy so sweet and sentimental that just before bed he lamented that he felt a little sad. "I just realized, I'll never be able to have this birthday again." my melancholy Tommy had said. Just another reminder to treasure each moment I have with you.

Happy 10th birthday, Tommy. I love you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Just a few days ago our yard was covered in at least a foot and a half of snow. Large piles lined the street where the plows had gone through and deposited more snow. The playground at school had a massive pile of snow that the kids rolled down, dug through, and played "king of the hill" on.

As I look outside this morning there are almost no traces of snow left. A small pile hangs on in the shady spot beneath our trees. A little more at the edge of our fence. A tiny little pile rests at the end of the driveway where the plows had gone through.

Thanks to the lovely early spring temperatures we've had the snow is all but gone.

This fabulous early spring breathes new life into all of us and gives us the energy we were lacking.

I hitched up Molly and together we took our first run in many, many months. I fear we are both sorely (pun intended) out of shape but we make it through regardless.

I quickly shower and pick Grace up from school. Sadly, I can already feel my muscles tightening up. I may be even more out of shape than I feared.

When Grace is done with her lunch we sit out on the back patio step in the sunshine. The sun is so warm in our protected little nook that it could almost pass for early summer. We lie down on the step and soak in the warmth. It is a good thing that Grace gets antsy because I could have fallen asleep and stayed there all day. Sunshine, blessed sunshine.

Before I know it the boys are done with school for the day. They rush off of the bus and into the house to get through their homework as quickly as possible so they can hurry back outside. Basketball and bicycles are resurrected and the kids stay outside so long that they need to be called in for dinner.

We sit at the dinner table and we don't even need to turn on the lights as sunshine still pours in through our windows. The longer days and warmer weather lifts our moods even though we lost a precious hour of sleep.

Just before seven o'clock Joey, Tommy, and I leave for play rehearsal. It is still  light outside as we enter the school. The rehearsals are long and jammed with notes and music and choreography. We get home around 9:30, way later than the boys' normal bedtime. I get them off to bed as quickly and quietly as I can and try to relax for a little while before I drag my exhausted body off to bed as well.

It is dark when we wake in the morning. My body is protesting the previous day's exercise by making it difficult for me to get out of bed. Or walk down the stairs. Or breathe. I wonder if Molly is equally as sore. The boys crankily drag themselves out of bed, still exhausted from their late night. It is about now that we could really use that extra hour of sleep that we lost earlier in the week.

Still, the temperature already reads 43 degrees and the boys mood is lifted slightly at the thought of wearing spring jackets today. Whatever gets them motivated, right?

Another gorgeous day awaits and we are excited to use it to our advantage. This is Wisconsin, after all. The weather can change on a dime. For all we know we could get another 6 inches of snow next week.

But for now, the sun is shining, the air is warm, and the possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

WW- What Do You See?

Can you see them?
 How about now?
 Maybe this will help. About 30 Cedar Waxwings took perch on our front tree.
 We've never seen a Cedar Waxwing this close up and certainly not this many.
 Joey was obsessed with birds for a long time and Cedar Waxwings were his favorite.
 I thought he was having an attack when I heard him screaming for me, "MOM! Come here, QUICK!!!"
 It was pretty exciting.
Joey informed me that the Cedar Waxwing eats berries. The birds flitted from this large tree to our smaller Crabapple tree and then back again. Luckily, they stayed long enough for me to capture a few fuzzy shots through our windows.